

REVIEW : Peripera - Miss Peri Kit

Hey Hoy!
This time I'm going to review the Miss Peri Kit from Peripera. I got this off Gmarket for only KRW 8.900! The original price was KRW 20.000. Click here to see the Gmarket page. Obviously its an impulse buy, seriously you gotta check the 'Deals of the Week' window in Gmarket for good deals!

This kit is a starter kit, or an introduction kit if I may say to the brand Peripera as it contains 2 of their best seller products in their best seller color selection.

First you get 3 of their Peri's Tint Water in #1 Cherry Juice, #2 Pink Juice and #4 Mandarin Juice, Smoothie Waterproof Pencil Liner in #2 Gold Brown and #6 Shimmer Beige. All in the mini-travel size. I must say you get a lot for the price and stuffs like these lasts you a looong time I can guarantee. Plus a sharpener! How convenient!

As the name says, the Smoothie Waterproof Liner is very smooth and easy to apply! I like to use pencil liner for my delicate waterline, so the smoother it goes, the less tickle and tuck you'll give to your waterline. For the pigmentation, the Gold Brown one (darker one) is much much more pigmented than the Shimmer Beige one. The Shimmer Beige is rather harder to work with especially for the waterline.

For the lasting power, I've used the Gold Brown for tightlining my upper and lower waterline. It lasts much longer for my upper waterline than my lower waterline. But it still does stays for a good 3-4 hours until it fades away (luckily it doesn't smudge away, so no panda eyes!) and for my upper line, it lasted the whole day I was out!

As for the glitters, both contain some but doesn't bother me much because after being applied the glitters are hardly visible to human eyes. Also the shimmer beige really looks shimmery more than glittery, like its name, which is a nice thing!

I used the #2 Gold Brown for my outer corner and upper waterline and #6 Shimmer Beige in my inner corner.

I've made a different post about the Peri's Tint Water so I'm not gonna talk about the again, click here to read my blogpost. I have nothing to add from that blog post, but one, I've mastered the Tint Water!! Now I could apply them (even touching up) without getting them in my teeth! Girls, practice is the key for every makeup applying, I swear.

Instead I'll show you the swatches of the tint!

From left to right : #1 Cherry Juice, #2 Pink Juice, #4 Mandarin Juice. Second picture is the tint left after I sweep the swatches with a makeup wipe.

#1 Cherry Juice  

#2 Pink Juice 

#4 Mandarin Juice

The #1 Cherry Juice and #2 Pink Juice only have a sliiiiight difference on my lips. But I like them both! :D Which one do you like the best?

The comparison between the mini size and the full size product. They applicator size of both actually similar, nice! 

Overall this is a super recommended product for you guys that wanted to try the Peri's tint for the first time. Not only you got 3 colors but also you get to try the eyeliners too (which surprised me because they work really fine!) in a super great price too! Think of it as a trial kit. Also it's a good thing to give as a gift for someone! lol.

If you already own a Peri tint, it wouldn't hurt to buy some more ;) PLUS it's a travel size!
Thankyou so much for reading! See ya in my next post x

sipping off my favorite Dolce Latte! <3

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  1. ini besarnya seberapa? besarnya sama kayak yg biasa kah tint nya???

    1. engga ka, tingginya sih sama kayak yg biasa, tapi lbh tipis jauh.. yang di travelnya ini gaada ml-nya sih..

  2. pengennn,,,,
    ini belinya di gmarket korea yaa dear??
    aku udh liat linknyaaa,,bisa di kirim ke indonesia gak yaa???
    belum pernah belanja di sana :)

    1. bisa kok! Aku cek barusan ternyata ke Indonesia engga free shipping, kena KRW 12.000...

  3. iaaa fii,,,
    aku bentar ni liat jd 20.000 krw k indo,,,
    pdhal pengen kalo free shipping :D

  4. wowww... harganya jd jatoh lbh murah >___<

  5. thx for review !! :D

    kalo yg minat,di qoo10 ada tuh,tapi itungannya jadi qoo10 global,harganya 109ribu,kalo punya kupon harganya jadi 100ribu :D pengirimannya dari korea dan ongkos kirimnya gratis,itung" kayak ikutan PO

    1. wow ok banget 100rb! Barusan di grup FB ada yang nawar ready 225rb.. wewww

  6. Cute ya set nyaaa, jadi pingin. Tintnya nggak ada scentnya?

  7. yg cherry juice warnanya lebih soft ya..
    kalo mandarin juice malah kesannya jadi merah bata terang gitu.
    bdw, thx ya reviewnya... ^-^

  8. ahh cute set from peripera >.<
    suka sama cherry juice nya, keliataanya cocok banget buat di bawa traveling tuh ci
