

REVIEW : Dolly Wink's Eyeshadow II in 3 Smoky Brown


This is something that's on my wishlist for a long time. I initially want to one that has pink shade - but this one completely took me over. You probably know what Dolly Wink is, it's a very popular Japanese brand. And since Koji products are available in Indonesia, I think you can get these in your local department store that carries Koji products

Dolly Wink

      PRODUCT NAME      
Eyeshadow II

      type of product      
eyeshadow quad

03 Smoky Brown

10 g / JPY 1,728 (without tax)

koji (all item)
pinky paradise

First, the packaging is really sweet, and the overall product is really sleek and compact. It's really thin compared to my other eyeshadow quad. 

Inside you get an eyeshadow applicator, with smaller and bigger tip. Though I use my own brush everytime, the applicator is really small, very short, and it's very hard to use. It's not useless, but you'll probably going to mess up your fingers if you use both of the tips.

There's an easy 123 steps (in Japanese though ;;;;) but there's a picture so that's ok! I personally love quads eyeshadow more than anything, because it's really compact and easy to use, probably because of the smaller selection of shades.

As the name implies, all the colors are brown with ashy tone. Between ABCD shade, the shade A + C are very similar. The packaging said that C supposed be darker than A, but you can see that C is slightly lighter than A. And when applied to the eyes, A and C looks pretty much similar

All the shadows are shimmers, with closer look you can see a little glitter particles too. The texture are different each shade, some are softer than the other. A and D are smoother than the others. 

The pigmentation is not the best, but it could be good or bad for some. The poor pigmentation will lower the chance you'll over apply the eyeshadow. Especially for beginners, this will be a good choice. Primer didn't help much with the pigmentation, especially because it's really shimmery for the start, primer will only make the shimmers more visible. 

But I think, poor pigmentation will only make you use the product more. 

Compact, travel easy packaging
Shades compliment each other
Stays well even without primer

Poor pigmentation
2 shades are too similar

Overall, I find myself went towards this eyeshadow for everyday. Not only because of the pretty ashy tones that matches my hair - but it's also I don't have to look for a lot of selection of shades from my other bigger palette.

Again, this is slightly below my expectation. And I don't know why I didn't get to see like the whole collection of Dolly Wink when I'm in Japan. It seems they have a large collection over on the website, but it's just I never found like the whole complete, collection. D:


A little announcement here! 
I decided to do a collaboration post with my cutest junior, Cycy from La Petite Lady 

I've known her for like 3 years and she attended the same uni as I do and she's been very very cute ever since <3 we still didn't know what to do exactly, we're going to a date tomorrow and we'll decide by then hihi


Where to find me :
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  1. That's too bad that the pigmentation for this one is soo poor! It's really wayyyy too light and those shades are almost identical! Thanks for reviewing!

  2. Kolaborasii apa?? XD

  3. Nanti kalo sudah jadi dilihat saja ciii jes :*

  4. Kalo diitung2 harganya termasuk mahal juga ya. Ga beda jauh sama di Indonesia. Kirain harganya bakal beda 50% gitu sama di sini (kayak brand2 korea gitu).

  5. I expected Dolly Wing to have more pigmented shades... but they have nice packaging though~

  6. Aw, the pigmentation is disappointing!

  7. I'm so jealous! I've always wanted to buy this exact eyeshadow in this exact shade, but the price is always ridiculously jacked up here in Indonesia -_- But the shades look really pretty on you! :)
