

REVIEW : Lush "Tea Tree Water" Toner


I think it's been years since I last review a skin care product here. That's because I don't buy a new skin care item if I hadn't finish the one I'm using and most of the time I just repurchasing stuff.

But today, I'm not reviewing a Korean brand, today I'm bringing you guys a review for 'Tea Tree Water' Toner from Lush.


      PRODUCT NAME      
Tea Tree Toner

        type of product        

250g / KRW 27.000

Lush website (ko)
Lush website (uk) 

I've been planning to change my regular toner with a spray on toner instead for the longest time ever since it seems I waste a lot of cotton pads on a Toner. Finally, I stumbled upon this toner on Lush that look like will work ok on my skin type. I know tea tree is good for troubled, acne prone skin. I don't find my skin to be extremely acne-prone, but I do have a very oily skin. After a few talks with the SA I decided to give this product a go. 

The simple black packaging is something that I always adore from Lush. Love it. And another perks of Lush is, I don't know about other country, but SA in Lush Korea is always so kind (mostly man)(I mean, good looking man) and can speak in English. It's really easy to communicate and they're usually are pretty generous with their samples that you can try and smell everything in the store.

In Seoul, there's a Lush store in Myongdong, in front of the huge Uniqlo building.

The 'Tea Tree' Toner is made from tea tree water and infused with grapefruit essentials. It supposed to help balanced the skin, keep up with the skin health and cleanness. When sprayed it has herb smell that I found very strong at first, but it doesn't' take long until I get use to the scent. I do think the scent does make me feel really, really freshen up when I sprayed this.

I usually sprayed about 6-7 pumps, after I wash my face twice a day, in the morning and at the end of the day. Of course you can still use a cotton pad but spraying some and use that to wipe around the face. Tried to do that, and it actually helps to take some 'leftover' makeups that you might miss when you cleanse your face.  

The pump nozzle is quite strong, it's like being hit with a water gun. That's also the reason why I need atleast 6 pumps to cover my whole face because the nozzle only sprayed small area at once. It looks like a lot of product to spray at once, but I had this toner since around 7 weeks ago and I still have more than half in the bottle. 

You can spray this over your makeup, but make sure that you hold the bottle not too close to your face. 

Overall, I love this toner! Like super love it. I would definitely repurchase. Upon using this toner, my skin has shown a lot of improvements like less red blemishes, no major acne problem and more even skin tone.  I realized that I haven't got any huge acne (that usually showed up during 'the time' of the month) that is not only bad in the aesthetic area, but also painful. Also, during this colder month, it doesn't make my skin super dry too! 

I totally recommend this to everyone that has oily skin and acne, blemish prone skin. It does helps with the problem and nothing is easier to apply than a spray-type toner. 

Thankyou so much for reading, guys! xx

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  1. Honestly, I do love the whole idea of spraying my toner instead of using cotton pads all the time. I love Tea Tree as it totally calms down my normal-oily that turned into troubled skin especially when I'm traveling. We don't have Lush in Malaysia, heck I definitely don't really know why the brand hasn't reach the country yet but I sure gonna check this out the next time I visit SG again.
    Thanks for sharing, dear!
    Love, Mira |

  2. Wah kalo gitu berarti partikel airnya lumayan besar ya (halah kayak ngerti aja). Ngomong-ngomong, kalau di pakai siang siang gitu lengket gak ya? Asumsikan siangnya Korea sama dengan siangnya Indonesia :')
    Sebenarnya pengen coba Lush sih, tapi di Palembang susah carinya dan akunya males bgt mau beli Online :(

  3. Ohh I have not tried a toner which comes in a spray bottle before! ^ ^

  4. I also use this!! :)


  5. This sounds lovely! So many ladies love using this, I have used many tea tree products and they really work!

  6. I've just started using tea tree oil for my skin. Not sure if it's working but I will give anything a try at least once :D

  7. I've been using Lush Toner since quite a while and I really love them. And yes, their SAs are super friendly and helpful. I've had experience with those in London and Australia :)

  8. loving spray toner too
    so easy to use
    looks like i really want to give it a try since its not drying according to your review


  9. Haha memang sih aku juga pas mau coba ini ragu2 bagus apa mahal, apalagi harganya.... ini tapi enak banget engga lengket (kayaknya kebanyakan face mist korea lengket kalo dipake, cuma evian yang engga) dan rasanya kayak air tapi lebih fresh 3kali lipat :D iya sih itu partikel airnya (lol) gede2, kalo semprot 6 kali kayak dimandiin lagi, tapi cepet keringnya lagi XD

  10. I would definitely love to try this, but I must finish the ones I am currently using before I purchase a new one >.< gahh the struggle!

  11. Tea Tree oil for Bruises is best and if you want to speed up healing bruises, then tries to putting a some drops of tea tree oil on the injury, and lightly massaging it.
