


Hey :)

Not a long ago I was in Seoul and I took that chance to visit the newly opened "MOONSHOT" a cosmetic brand from the so-called YG Entertainment company. Aside from my inner K-pop freak mind, I think the brand itself is quirky and cool. Their concept is strong and very YG-like. YG is famous for its fashion-freak artists and 'MOONSHOT' definitely supports the image very well.

image from moonshot-cosmetics
image from moonshot-cosmetics

The online store is in www.
I noticed that they divided their line into 3, EVOLVE being all their color makeups, PREPARE being all their face makeup products and CONDITION being all their skin care stuff.

Their colored makeups are consist of bright and vivid colors which is hard to see in other Korean brands. In one of its PR event, MOONSHOT invited some Korean beauty bloggers to get a makeover, to use colors and shades they don't usually use. Like, to release their alter-ego? Maybe that's why the line is called 'EVOLVE'.

image from moonshot-cosmetics

Apart from the concept and varieties of product that I like, I also noticed that most of their products are not made for 1 purpose only. You can see on the website there's a "MULTIUSE" option. Most of their color makeup products are not limited to serve 1 purpose. Like the product below, Color Moonwalk Cream Paint 101 - can be used for lipstick & cream blush, and the powder duo can definitely be used for eyeshadow and contour/highlighting.

image from moonshot-cosmetics

image from moonshot-cosmetics

Now to the offline stores!
Their online store is in Seoul, specifically located in Samcheongdong, one of my favorite place in Seoul. I've wrote on direction to Samcheong-dong before, but I'll paste it here anw :

"Samcheongdong area is not far from 경복궁 (Kyeongbok Goong - Kyeongbok Palace). If you're going with public transportation, you can take off in 시청역 (City Hall Station), go to exit 4 and take 종로 11 bus and take off in 삼청동주민센터 (Samcheongdong Community Center). After that you can take a walk through a lot of cafes and little shops, and with a little more walk you can get to 북촌한옥마을 (Bukcheon Hanok Village) which filled with traditional Korean houses (people do live in there! so be quite around the area or you will disturb the residents :))"

So, if you've got to the main road in Samcheongdong, just go straight! MOONSHOT store located just right beside the main road, next to Starbucks. It'll be easy to spot. Other than their flagship store in Samcheong-dong, you can reach their product via internet. 

image from moonshot-cosmetics - stupid Filia forgot to take the building pic. Typical. 

Some might feel that the overall store feel and concept is similar to 3CE. Yes, I did feel that 3CE and Moonshot is similar, probably because of the black packaging for their respective products. 

99% of their staffs are MALE. YES. MALE. yes. And regardless they're very helpful and will definitely can help you. Didn't notice any special SA for English speaking customer, but I'm sure you can manage without the SA lol

There's some product that caught my eyes, but their price range is higher than I thought it'll be (it's pricier than 3CE, averagely KRW 5.000 ~ KRW 20.000 more expensive) so I definitely need time to really consider this. Oh! They're brush collection is superb too, they had some brushes that I seldom see on regular makeup store :)

Not to forget their super cool collaboration with Tablo from Epik High :

Thankyou so much for reading! That's it for my visit to MOONSHOT. Next time I'll definitely bring something home for myself :p Questions? Down below!

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  1. I saw this in Samcheongdong couple weeks ago at night and my friend and I were too intimidated to go inside because 1) there were no customers inside 2) the staff looked really intimidating (maybe cuz it's all guys?) and now I kind of regret it because I didn't know it was the YG brand hahahaha man...should've just sucked it up and walked in T_T

    Fancy Nancy’s YouTube

  2. oh myyyy God, thank you so much for making this post >< *maap lebay
    I'm so happy lol as YG-stand I've been waiting for this brand...and you give such a good "introduction to the brand" for me...
    dari awal aku juga mikir konsep nya pasti ga bakal jauh2 dari 3CE & style nanda, soalnya kan ini barengan sama fasion linenya juga "nona9on"...

    the products are eyecatching, unfortunately the price is higher than 3CE, but the quality of the product is still the main question here... is it worth to buy with such a high price?

  3. This is so cool! Didn't expect a such a crossover from an entertainment company XD The lip colors look so great! Definitely will be trying out some of their products once I have access to them :)


  4. YES I wanna try them so muchhhh :")

  5. That's definitely a big question here. I was searching for the product review over at naver, but there's only a few bloggers that did the review (and they're sponsored by the brand, I don't know what to believe.. ). I'm gonna stay longer this time in the store, swatch everything and hope that my sense on judgement works and the products are working for me when i actually buy them :D
