

REVIEW : Moonshot's Color Moonwalk Cream Paint in Bonne Mares


Another moonshot product review coming through! It's the "Color Moonwalk Cream Paint" in 106 Bonne Mares


      PRODUCT NAME      
"Color Moonwalk Cream Paint"

        type of product        
lip cream

106 Bonne Mares

KRW 25.000


Being one of Moonshot's representative product, I can't miss my chance to check these stuff out. I've had the darkest shade in my mind for a while. But when I saw the whole collection.. Hemmm the pinks caught in my eyes, but since I decided to purchase a nude shade for the lipstick, so I finally go for the vampy one!

Again, the product packaging is super simple, with black matte coated cap. AND THE SUPER CUTE PIXEL LOGO ON THE TOP. Can't miss that. I had a trouble catching the exact color of this product because it always turns black on photos. But you can clearly see from the photo above ^ that the shade is more to a vampy red color. 

This product has the funniest weirdest applicator ever. It's huge and wide, not like your usual applicator. 

Now I get it why they make the applicator like that, because the product texture is very, gooey? The texture is very thick and you definitely need a bigger applicator to be able to scoop the actual product out from the tube. 

I don't think I can explain the texture with words, because I can't think something that comparable with this product. I thought the samples on the store went bad (?) so the texture is very gluey and chunky, but the actual product is actually like that. 

Though it looks shiny on the swatch, as time goes it will become matte. I think the best description to this product is a matte lip tint! Because it's matte, but it stains the lips, rather than giving another layer to the lips like other lip cream product. 

And, you have to work in layers to get a maximum pigmentation out of the product. And even I still haven't master the blending trick for this product. Oh! I think you can use this product for blush easier because of the gooey texture, I tried in on my cheek (even though the color is probably too strong for a cheek color) and I guess they turned out ok? Cheek swatch below!

Overall, I personally like this product, it does take time to be totally used to its texture. As it's a unique one, never encounter something like this before. The lasting power is nice, it slightly stain the lips, and the matte finish is really nice! It's not drying, even after all the gloss is gone, the product didn't settle on my lips line. 

On a side note, this product is recently dubbed as Lee Sung Kyung's lip tint, as she introduced this product on "Get it Beauty" and people started to look for the product. The one that she has isn't in my shade, but I think the product is great! :) 

Thankyou so much for reading! :) questions? Comment down below! 

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  1. The color looks really nice and suits you really well.

  2. this looks amazing! i really want to try out products from moonshot, i hope online stores start stocking them soon :D great review x

  3. the color is really beautiful, same as with the price -__-

  4. Jeanette Ninneta JacobusJanuary 21, 2015 at 12:17 PM

    First time I thought it was a nail polished..
    It looks really good on you.


  5. This is a gorgeous deep berry shade! I love this type of shade but I avoid drying stains because my lips dry out too easily! I think this looks great as a blush, you didn't use too much!

  6. Vampy shade always look great on you :) The texture really is weird. I'd have thought that it went bad too lol. This is really interesting! Will definitely get some of these when I visit Korea again. Wish it's not this pricey though :(

    xx Stella

    Extravaganza K-Cosmetics Giveaway

  7. Ahhh, that applicator sure looks funny. But girl, you look awesome in that color!

    Connie from theconbonz

  8. ah suka sama makeup nya Lee Sung Kyung! this shade looks gorgeous on you especially it's winter in Korea now.


  9. This color is really beautiful, I love these deep berry shades. Such a weird applicator and such a werid texture, it seems like it's a mix between a lipstick and a lipgloss. Either way I think it looks amazing on you and it makes a gorgeous blush.

  10. Wow.. I want one. Sepertinya harganya sesuai. Aku hanya bingung, berapa harga shipping nya. Dan warna apa yang terbaik untuk kulit ala Rihanna ku? Please help.
