

REVIEW : Sleek Makeup "MATTE ME" in Party Pink

This post contain sponsored item 
All opinions stated below are all mine and 
the endorsement did not influence any of my opinion. 

Hi Sugars! Today I'm bringing you another matte lip cream product that is getting every hype out there. After my L.A Girl Flat Finish Pigment Gloss review now you can probably see the comparison and get which one you may like the best (or get both of them!)

L.A. Girls USA Cosmetics

      PRODUCT NAME      
"Matte Flat Finish Pigment Gloss"

        type of product        

Lip Cream



Sleek Makeup official site

hidden ingredient list at the back of the label

Sleek products seem to have the simplest design, they always go with solid matte black for their product. The applicator is very stiff and straight, but I found the product is easier to apply with applicator such as this one. I checked the website and sadly they only have 6 shades available now, I really hoped they'll make some more! 

As the name suggest, this lip cream is very matte and pigmented. First applied it seems to be sticky on the lips (reminds me of L.A. Girl's) but as the time goes and the product sets, the stickiness disappears. Once it sets, it didn't budge and didn't transfer either! But of course you have to wait until it 100% dries on the lips.

One thing that tickles me is the name of the shade I own, "Party Pink" - and you'll see it's definitely more like a tomato red shade. But below, in my lips swatch, I used the product only on the inside and blend them out, it turns out pretty nicely and the pink actually shows up there! If you would like to create an ombre look, you have to work quick because once it sets, it won't budge. 

After it sets, I don't think it's drying, but it does settles a bit into the lips line but it isn't like super obvious. 

A little tip here, if you do apply lip balm before this product, make sure the lip balm settles in or for much faster process, blot your lips, because if the moisture of lip balm still on your lips, I found that the lip product is harder to blend evenly on the lips. 

Despite of the misleading shade name, I quite like this product! The formulation is just a bit better than what I expected to be and it does everything you expect for a matte lip cream - it's pigmented, it's long lasting and it's matte. 

I do like to blend it a little so that it doesn't look so 'orangey' and that way too the dryness seems to be much bearable during the day! 

Thankyou so much for reading! Thankyou so much to @SakuraBlossomShop for sponsoring this post! You can look for this product for IDR 145.000 in Sakura Blossom Shop! 

Sakura Blossom Shop

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Check all of their ready collection on their instagram! @SakuraBlossomShop

Comment and question down below! Ciao! xx

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  1. which one do you like better? this one or the LA girls one?
    aku lagi nyari matte lip cream tapi masih bingung karena bibirku kering banget. >__<

  2. hemm kalo warna suka LA Girls, kalo texture suka Sleek punya! :D :D klo bibirnya kering lebih enak pake matte lip cream punya korea sih.. :)

  3. matte lip cream korea apa ya misalnya? soalnya yang aku tau semuanya glossy dan lasting power-nya kurang oke :\ tapi ya mungkin emang harus get some lose some sih.

  4. kayaknya skrg setiap brand punya deh! Misalnya 3CE's Lip lacquer, Etude's liquid lips, The Saem's Color Lip Rouge banyak deh! Tapi emang lasting powernya ga mungkin sebagus brand western krn dia masih mentingin kelembabannya :(
