

REVIEW : Memebox x Dayeong XO Black Stick Foundation

Hey! I'm back with another review to a not-so-new product from Memebox, it's Dayeong XO Black Stick Foundation in #23 Natural!


Among of 4 bloggers (at the time) that collaborated with Memebox, I personally love Dayeong the most. Not only because she's so effortlessly beautiful, but because she's also have similar preferences to me when it comes to beauty product. 

For example, she hates the fact that BB creams are commonly too light for most people, she's fair, but she usually still goes for the darkest shade because she believes foundations and bb creams should match one's skin tone! And she hates sticky, over dewy finishes, and guess what? ME TOO. 

Sadly because of her specific preferences, she trusts western brands face products more than Korean's. I know how she feels because I feel like it's super hard for me to find a non-dewy, not too bright face product on Korea brands. Only recently, Dayeong also started to branch her collection into the drugstore priced product, which is great! 

One of her HG product is Bobby Brown Stick Foundation, in which she used it in most of her videos at the time. And when she announced that she'll do a collaboration with Memebox I'm really, really excited about her product. 

When I saw there's a stick foundation in her collection, I thought she must be trying to recreate that HG foundation she likes - lol. However, I'm still interested to purchasing her product only to found that her foundation is like KRW 25.000 (Now is discounted to KRW 10.000 in the website). Grah. Too expensive! 

Fortunately I made a good choice to wait because when I finally made the purchase, I got a discount and a free brush from the collection! 아싸! 

The packaging itself is soo unique, with squared shaped boxes, I can't say 3CE can't even compete with that chic packaging! :D


      PRODUCT NAME      
Dayeong XO Black Stick Foundation 

        type of product        
stick foundation 

#23 Natural

KRW 25.000

The stick foundation is retractable and surprisingly contain much more product than I expected it to be. 

One of the reason why I haven't had the courage into purchasing stick foundations is that I'm not sure about the creaminess of the product. I don't really want to drag a chunk of foundation across my face! And this foundation? It's so creamy I can't even! It glides on perfectly and evenly on the skin. 

For the finish, the foundation is definitely dewy-er than I expect it to be. And the lasting power is definitely longer for something as creamy as this one. Either with primer or using it alone, the lasting power is way longer than I expect. Still prefer to use this without primer for more natural look - it looks too cakey when combined with primer and that I don't have any idea why. 

I tried to reduce the dewyness with loose powder, but because the first layer is already dewy, I can't make it into super matte - which is different from what I usually prefer to. But, I got most compliments when I used this foundation - strangely enough. I mean I probably look like tempura just got out from the fryer by the end of the day day but they still compliment my skin! :o 

Mostly people said my skin looks like porcelain, well that's a compliment right? :D

Coverage wise, this foundation have a light-medium coverage. It's definitely not heavy on the skin and I assure you your skin could still breathe under this. The shade matches my skin tone too perfectly, more than other brands and product's 23 - this is perfect! :))

For the brush, the brush is not as dense as I thought it would be. Great for evening out this stick foundation, but I'm not sure about liquids as it can absorb too much product (since it's not as dense). 

If only this brush is a taaaad bit shorter, it'll definitely works better! I used this foundation on my tutorial :

In which in the video you can see that my ugly-ass face is covered in seconds with this foundation - and you can see how creamy it is! One thing that is great from stick foundations is their efficiency - it's slide blend and you're pretty! :D

Thankyou so much for reading! I'll probably post a haul post soon :* 
and here's something that I'm putting on repeat 82375872 times today :

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