

How I Fight My Oily Skin


..And before I do my post, I want to say that I changed the commenting system in this blog from Google+ comment to Disqus comment. I know that this change means I will lose all your comments from previous system (Google+). Your comments are precious to me, all of them! But the whole old system make it kinda hard to reply your comments, and it's hard for people to see my reply and such - I considered using Disqus comments system since like, forever, but I really regret why I didn't do it sooner. 

Ok, to the actual post!

As someone that fights for oily skin for like, everyday - I want to share things that I did to make my face less oily during the day. I always have oily skin for as long as I can remember. I even have oily scalp for God's sake. I recognise a lot of my readers have similar skin problem with me. Here's a simple tips and products that it's working for me, I hope it could help your problems too!


Some people thinks that they didn't need to moisturise because of their oily skin condition - that's totally not true. I used to think like that the whole high school - why the heck would you want to apply cream to places where it's has oil all over already?

Moisturiser is important! Not only it gives more nourishment to your skin, but it also helps a lot with my redness and somehow make less breakouts. This is my current favorite moisturiser for the summer. I like this a lot because even though it's a cream - the texture is gel-like and it felt really refreshing when applied. This is totally a necessity for the upcoming hot summer!

Find a moisturiser that is specifically marketed towards oily / combination skin. Don't go for the dry skin one (duh). And if you do have your moisturiser already, try to avoid applying / lightly apply in places where the oils usually shows up, like for me it's my T-zone area. And also an important point to look out when looking for a moisturiser is look for the one that's not sticky (ugh), light weight and fast absorbing to the skin.

Other than the moisturiser, 2 other things that are essentials in my skin care (and I think totally helps with my oily skin) are the Innisfree's Green Tea Seed Serum and Mamonde's Green Vital Fresh Skin Softener. I think toners and serum/essence to help with redness and acne (that usually comes in package together with oily skin. grrr). Toner helps me to reduce excess oils and the serum just overall helps to improve my skin condition.

Cleansing foams are also as important. Try to look cleansing products that could take all your excess oils, makeups and also dirts from your face completely. Personally I like cleansing foams the best, but don't afraid to try cleansing oils even if you have oily skin - cleansing oils are the best to clean out everything! My favorite cleansing foams are Hadalabo ShiroJyun Ultimate Whitening Face Wash and Etude House's Every Month Cleansing Foam


Believe me or not, no matter how expensive your foundation is, no matter how good it is, it will last longer (and look better!) with primer underneath!

Primer not only will smoothen out your skin, but good primer will make your makeup last longer. One big problem that occurred with us, oily-skinner, is how our face makeup most likely melts during the day. Even when I used matte / products for oily skin I still use primer especially on my t-zone and my forehead.

Good primer will make a mediocre foundation works wonder. haha. When looking for primer, look for one that promotes long lasting power, usually they won't instantly makes your skin "dry" - but look for one that gives velvety finish.

So here's my favorite primer, for face primers I (super) love my Banila Co. Prime Primer in Classic Matte and also my Benefit's Porefessional. I decided to include my eye primers too because I know some people with oily skin sometimes has oily eyelids, and eye primer is the answer! I personally didn't really have oily eyelids, but I have some trouble with creasing and so my favorite primers are Innisfree's Eye Primer and E.L.F Mineral Primer


Among all ways on applying base / face products, the best tools for oily skin is makeup sponge!! Not only gives a air brushed finish, makeup sponge also helps to not apply too much of the foundation. Some says that sponge also helps to absorbs excess oils, but usually in the morning - no matter how oily you get in the day - before makeup the skin is not as oily, right?

Anyway, even on days where I use brush to apply my foundation, I like to pat the sponge to just even everything. This is my favorite beauty sponge, Real Techniques Makeup Sponge (the softest, soft, soft sponge EVER). There's a lot beauty sponges on the market now, with various price range and even shape.


Primers are important, but choosing right foundation is, go figure, as important. Things to look for a good foundation for oily skin are : light-weight, sets fast, preferably sets into matte / semi-matte (personal preference really, but I think most people with oily skin will prefer matte finishes), and according to your needs, great coverage. Here's my favorite face products.

Etude House BB Cushion, Revlon's Colorstay Foundation for combination / oily skin, Bobbi Brown Long Wear Even Finish Foundation, and Kate Powderless liquid for Cover foundation.

To complete your base makeup, powder is always a must! Try to search a light, loose powder to set your base product. Even if you're satisfied with your base finish, you should do a thin layer of powder focused in the place you get the oiliest, just to make sure everything could last all day!

Although, powder to matte finish is good, too matte could make you look older. Also, too much powder could makes lines in your face 'shows up', like lines under the eyes, lines in the sides of your nose and mouth. That's why applying lightly is the key. In the other part of my face with less oils, like my cheeks and my forehead, I like to pat it down (not brush it) with big fluffy brush to make sure it sets my foundation.

Here's my favorite stuffs : Innisfree's No-Sebum Mineral Powder and Rimmel Stay Matte powder for setting my foundation, and my Majollica Majorca Skin Remaker Pore Cover for touch ups on the go!

So that's my way to fight my oily face. Of course, the wonder will not happen over night, but as long as you keep on your routine daily, I'm sure it's gonna be better day by day. Thankyou so much for reading this post! <3

Have a great day everyone! xx

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  1. how's the etude house bb cushion? i've been wanting to try out cushion products but most of them have ~wet~ finish so i kinda back off :c

  2. I've been contemplating changing to the Disqus system too for my blog comments, seems like it makes life easier for both commenters and blog owners. My skin can become horrendously oily throughout the day, especially in the warmer months. There are some great tips here - I know I should use primer but most days I skip the step! I find that a good moisturiser is key in balancing the state of my skin. It is a staple! x

  3. Yes! I totally regret not changing to disqus sooner, it's really easier for me to browse to comment (well, I have to move from page to page with google+ commenting system) haha without primer my foundation would melt on me like in minutessss hahaa

  4. Etude BB cushion is kinda wet but it has semi matte finish (even more matte than iope cushion!) - and the coverage is decent! I want to try the innisfree long wearing cushion :((((

  5. Sayang bgt ya kalo komen2 yg lama hrs ilang smua :(
    tp pake disqus ini ada plus minusnya jg sih, kalo enaknya bs lgs tau klo udah direply dr notif yg msk di email, tp ga enaknya kdg2 lama loadingnya >_< apalagi dgn inetnya indo haha T__T pgn nangis kalo ngerasain inet indo smakin tertinggal jauh ma korea hiks.
    Anyway, very good tips, Filia ^^

  6. Haha, iya makanya nyesel engga dari kemarin-kemarin aja ganti ke disqus, kalo gitu kan komen-komennya kan engga usah hilang :( kalo pake yang lama, aku harus buka page banyak bgt trus bales krn engga semuanya bisa dibales dari notifnya huek. Oh I see :( iya sih, mari kita lihat positifnya aja haha

  7. mnrut kamu klo pke lotion aja cukup gak buat moisture kulit? kmu udh gak pake iope air cushion lgi ya? aku beli iope air cushion krn baca review kmu..:) bagusan oil control iope apa etude cushion ya?

  8. Masih pake dong! Tp iope punya kan coveragenya lbh rendah trus for this post i think it's better to put stuffs with higher coverage hehe oil control dua2 bagus, tapi iope lebih dewy sedikit drpd etude punya! Buat kulit berminyak cukup kok pake lotion doang apalagi kalo di indo kan humid banget! Hehe serum dll di aku bantu kurangin jerawat sama merah2 fokusnya

  9. Ce review bobbi brownnya dong d:

  10. How was the the sebum control cream? I got it too hahahha

  11. Chairunnisa SitompulMay 19, 2014 at 2:39 PM

    This post really help me :)

    Btw mau nanya boleh gak ya klo day routinenya pake essence aja gak pake moisturizer lg setelahnya? essence yg ak pake mmg khusus utk ngasih hydration si. soalnya klo essence + moisturizer (yg water based padahal) muka jadi minyakan beneerr. Makasiih loh post nyaa

    Btw I love your hair colour (I know it's kinda late hehee)

  12. you started to use disqus too :)

    Nice post thanks for sharing ~~

  13. Thankyou! Yes, essence boleh-boleh aja sebagai ganti moisturiser, asal kamu rasa cukup that's ok! :D hahahaa yeah, I don't do heavy moisturiser on the day too :D

  14. ok kok! dingin2 empuuukkkk

  15. I love this and your blog! Do you have a recommendation for BB creams for oily skin? I'm desperate!! xo

  16. Happy Graduation Daaaaay~
    Yaaaay! *I wish I could graduate today too hahahaha*
    is that 3CE lip laquer? It looks fabulous xD
    Kok bisa sih kamu pakenya sampe bagian dalem bibir gitu? Kereeeen.
    *semua lippies aku selalu "termakan" lol*
    by the way I just cant stand any kind of moisturizer ;_;
    even the light, water-based, gel kind of moisturizer ;_;
    I try to use the green tea seed essence when I read your review, but it melt under the sun and humidity of our beloved country.
    moreover I have this kind of sweating-all-over face hahaha.
    so yeah, I kinda give up moisturizer..

  17. Did my latest comment on this blogpost sent?
    I think not :(
    I dont really understand dunia per-blog-an and disqus.:(
    Add the slow connection of the internet = saya ngedumel depan komputer xD
    So anyway in my latest comment I kinda tell you I cant really use any kind of moisturizer on my face.
    I've tried laneige waterbank essence and innisfree the green tea seed serum, and it still got my face go banjir xD
    I kind of think that I wasnt born to use moisturizer lol :D

  18. i would recommend DR Jart+ BB Beauty Bounce Balm for oily skin!!! (it's what i'm using now for my combination (oily skin at T zone) /normal skin face!

  19. thx you <3 i have also very oily skin the best way is a thin layer primer underneat foundation <3
