



Since the last giveaway I'm hosting is finished, it's time for another one! 
Unfortunately this one, is again, only for people residing in INDONESIA. Because this giveaway fund came from my own pocket money :") and I'm afraid that the shipping cost could exceed the total value of the gifts, BUT I promise I'll find a way on how to host an international giveaway! 

So! In this giveaway you could win :

3CE Mini Hand Mirror in Pink
3CE Top Coat Nail Lacquer
Innisfree No-Sebum Mineral Powder
Etude House Sweet Idea Bunny Nail
 Clio eyelash curler

It consists of products that I adore and love, and I just wanted to pick someone lucky to be able to enjoy stuffs I love! <3 Also as a good memorial for over 1.000.000 pageviews! That's a lot!

What you have to do to ENTER :

1. Simply just comment down below (It's easy!) - Just a simple introduction, like since when you've started reading my blog, and what do you think about my blog - maybe something that I can do to improve, just a simple constructive comments are appreciated! If you've been a silent reader, maybe now it's a good time to actually comment ;)

2. Do follow me on GFC / Bloglovin / or Instagram (@filiaparamita) - just pick one, or else I wouldn't know if you do read my blog, or not. lol. but please, non-reader just stay away from this! :)


Remember you have to have an Indonesian address, and ask your parent permission for you under 18 guys! I'll pick the comment I like the most and the announcement will be on 22TH AUGUST 2014.

Last thing, I just want to say thankyou to everyone that reads my blog. My blog has been a part of my life now. I met a lot of great people here, and if only I could just hug you one by one lol.

Good luck and comment now!! :D

Where to find me :
tumblr // youtube // instagram // twitter // deviantart // dayre


  1. wow congrats for 1 million views o_o thats really a lot tbh. i want to introduce myself in indonesian here since it's a giveaway for those living in indonesia anyway, but i find it really awkward, not that i find it awkward talking in indonesian, but i dont really know how to pick the "words". what do i say "aku saya gua" and "kamu lu anda" like whaaaat. anyway, im sorry if i sound like a total braggy conceited scum for not wanting to talk in my own language, but im just continue to talk in english..........

    my name is belinda, and full name is belinda angelita. i didnt want to mention that bc i hate my last name but hey this is an introduction. im 17 this year, so i guess i will have to ask permission to my parents? (whICH I WONT MUHAHAH) i started reading your blog few months after i started blogging, just not long after. i cant quite remember how i found your blog though. i find it interesting to see an indonesian living in korea (which is a dream to every k-loving girls)

  2. accidentally clicked reply (ok i just realized i typed a lot already ._.)

    so yea i actually stalked your blog quite a lot, but i never comment to the posts i stalked (like the ones from a few months ago) bc it would be kinda creepy wouldnt it. i honestly dont really have anything to comment about your blog, your blog is totally "my style" lol. i love how sophisticated your blog looks, and how organized looking everything is. i believe you use dlsr? i have no complain with your pictures. i mean you use pro camera and everything looks hq and everything (as someone who uses her phone i wont say anything lol) ok this is taking too long i swear im not doing this on purpose im not typing so long to win omg im sorry now i look like a sly lil thing :( but i still hope i win HAHAHA (not to be a hypocrite here)

  3. Congratz on the achievements! I started reading your blog when I was looking for 3ce make up reviews :) I'm one of your silent reader :) thank you for taking your time to review products that surely will help other people :) I will read more of your blog! Thanks again :)

  4. Congratzzz for 1.000.000 pageviews. I really like your blog. I'm artesya inggitta 22 yo. I started read your blog since you posted about ur ootd. I always read your post until you posted about korean beauty product. I find that ur reviews are up to date especially for innisfree ( i love innisfree). Your blog is great already and the pic quality reallyyyyy gooddd.. just keep update ur blog. Thanks for this giveaway and I wish I get itttt... :)

  5. Hey Filia Paramita, I am Yuanita Pratami a silent reader of yours :) First of all, congratz for the 1.000K pageviews! Woohoo! Thank you for giving opportunity to speak out your reader's mind and also give us the chance to get those tempting giveaways ♥

    I started stalking you blog *evil laugh* after stumbled when blog-walking to find review/verdict of Korean Makeup products from IBB FB Page. Frankly, I love the simplicity and 'witty' writing style of yours; it's no fuss, up to date, offers varying reviewed products, and most important "direct from your heart", so your reader will get additional references.

    In summary:
    + DO keep you simplicity style; about adding more color to spice up your blog's layout (Khaki + Black&White looks good, perhaps?) For me, too over-decorated page layout makes the content of the blog itself more biased and makes dizzy
    + DO keep you witty & honest writing style; we read blog for entertainment not for final test
    + How about taking ootd/swatch outdoor also? Indoor & Outdoor
    + I love the idea when you reviewed Japanese make-up also! *Since I'm a
    big fan of Japanese make-up products* It gives me more insights and
    total eye-gasm just looking at your photos. So, please review more varying products instead of Korean make-up products based on your preference (Japanese, US, UK, whatever)
    + I love when you give us review of product that you love and not yet common amongst us plus telling us the latest trend & hype in Korea; it gives us a lot of insights *hello, VDL or MAMONDE*
    + May I know, are you still gonna review Korean products after graduated from the Univ? I mean; it's easy and more cheap to get Korean products when you're in Korea, but what will u do if u're no longer in Korea?
    + Even though it's a Beauty Blog, I love additional Travel, Restaurant, Fashion style, Random thought or other life style reviews based on your own experience. Feels like seeing through other people's eyes.
    + Thank you for replying reader's comment
    + Pertahanin untuk blabber-nya pake Bahasa Indonesia aja! Lebih kena kocaknya :))
    +++ Last but not least, keep up the good work and just enjoy what you do! :)


  6. Wow Fil chukhae!!!!!
    It's so great that you can achieve 1M pageviews in this short time, so proud of you :'D

    Okay let's start the introduction. I believe that one of the very first post that I read from your blog is the limited edition innisfree green tea seed serum which made me drool over! Then I keep reading and wow you lived in Busan :D I'm so happy to find one blog that mostly review korean products because you know right, I'm addicted to it too. Plus your review always up to date hihi.. And your english is very good, should teach me sometimes :p

    Keep blogging because yours is my number one reading source tbh, with that so many innisfree, 3ce and aritaum post of yours XD And see you soon :*
    Once again congrats yaaaaa.. ~~~

  7. Halloo, its me winda trisuci, selama ini jadi silent reader karena aku lebih suka baca postinganmu dan takut mengganggu dengan komentarku yang mungkin agak aneh heheheee

    pertama, congrats buat 1000K pageviewnya
    kedua, maaf saya ga pinter bahasa inggris jadi saya menulis komennya dalam bahasa Indo ga pa2 yaaa hehehee
    ketiga, saya follow sosmed kamu sejak lama, IG @wind1403, GFC: winda, Bloglovin: winda trisuci
    terakhir, ini yang paling susah, karena aku ga tau harus kasih kritik atau saran apa >.< secara blog aku ga ada apa2nya dibanding kamu hehehee
    Aku pertama tahu kamu waktu kamu share di IBB tentang Nature Republic Mini Lipstick, tahun berapa ya itu? 2012 kalau ga salah hehehee itu sukses bikin aku ngiler berat hehehee secara Nature Republic blom ada di Indo saat itu >.<
    Sampai sekarang kamu jadi salah satu bacaan favorite kalau bahas kosme atau skin care Korea ^_~

  8. Congratulations on your achievement, you deserve it karena blogmu emang bagus trus designnya simpel jadi bikin betah.
    Pertama baca blogmu gara2 review 3CE. Yang blotting powder kalo ga salah. Trus langsung follow blog kamu karena produk yang kamu review selalu uptodate. And mostly from 3CE, Innisfree, Aritaum which I also like. Trus suka juga baca2 pengalaman kamu tinggal di Korea. I also followed your IG as nellanelwan. Keep the good work fil :D

  9. Congratulations ya kak Filia atas pencapaiannya ^_^

    Intro ya kak ^^ aku Ummi Lathifah dari Semarang, dulu pertama kali baca blog my sugarcoffee pas pertengahan tahun 2013 lagi cari-cari review produk The Face Shop sama cari2 review IOPE chusion yg waktu itu lagi booming2nya di mata aku *maklum newbie skincare & cosmetic korea*. Nah akhirnya ketemu sama blog ini. Awalnya aku cuma baca postingan khusus brand The Face Shop ama brand2 korea yang aku tahu. Malah dulu aku ngira nama kak Filia tuh "Nanda" gegara liat design foto2 plg atas blog ini :v secara dulu aku ga tau kalo ada brand korea namanya Style Nanda. kekekeke

    Eventually pas uda kehabisan baca postingan tentang The Face Shop, aku mulai baca postingan ttg brand lain yang mana pada akhirnya aku malah baca semua postingan-postingan kakak dari awal dan mulai rajin buka blog my sugarcoffee ini. Btw aku uda follow kk lewat bloglovin :D xixixi

    Terakhir, kesan aku mengenai blog ini adalah reviewnya mantap, tapi juga bikin sakit hati *Lho???* abisnya tiap uda teracuni, pasti susah banget nyari produknya di OL shop indo kak (T___T). Anyway aku senang bisa ketemu sama blog kakak ini n suka banget sama postingan DIALOGnya :D
    Once again, congratulation kak Filia >_<

  10. Onniii celamattttt~~ 축하해!! *teoot teoott* Mysugarcoffe semakin menanjak nih ye.. Hiahahahha

  11. 안녕 피리아야~ *sok akrab* :p lol
    Wow you've reached 1M pageviews ^^ 축하해요!
    I actually forgot which first post of yours that I read, but I believe it's innisfree or 3CE review :p ㅎㅎㅎ

    At first, I think you really have simple and neat layout. You played with BW colors combination nicely and your pictures are so sharp and clean ^^ then, I was surprised when knew that you are currently live in Korea. I tried to find out the reason why you live in Korea and finally I've known that you are living in Busan and studied there.

    우와! I'm so dang envy with you >< i adore Korea a lot and after visited some cities in Korea, I love Korea even more! Studying in Korea is really one of my dream Q_Q *jd curcol lol

    Tbh I prefer Busan than Seoul and I really want to visit Busan again someday XD lol sorry for blabbering too much ㅋㅋㅋ

    I have no complain about your blog ^^. Everything is nice and your reviews are always well-organized. I love to read about your honest review :D especially 3CE product (even though I haven't tried any of their product yet)

    I would love try these awesome products and thanks for hosting this great giveaway ^^ ♥♥

    PS: I have followed all of your accounts ;)
    PPS: 친구가 되고 싶어요.. 우리 친구할래요? =] *shameless question 어머 x__x ㅋㅋㅋ

  12. Helloo~ i'm putri and i'm one of your silent reader. First of all, congrats for 1.000.000 pageview!

    I found your blog when i search a review about etude rosy tint. I like your blog so much. I always check your blog everytime i remember it, to see your newest post. I like how you to be honest about your review, you try it a couple of time before write a review (you are different from a sponsor blogger who write a review after got an item and only used it 1-2 times, then bragging so much about a product, said it is her HG, and after a couple of day said it is not so good *sigh*)

    You are the first blogger that i read every post that you wrote. I start reading your etude rosy tint then i read your older post and older and older until the first post :). I do enjoy your writing, its fun and you looks so humble and friendly. My favourite post of course dialog!

    My IG is princesslilo_shop. Its my onlineshop since i don't have personal IG :( i'm not good with socmed thingy *shy*

  13. gyaaah, yellow fillia, im fika, i do follow you on instagram, check my ig is @sifayke. im one of ur silent reader for sure cause i havent left any comment since i started read your blog regiliously moths ago. the reason why i like to read ur blog is we have same skin type and condition, oily at t-zone, redness. and also your reviews help me to pick good product which helps me a lot through my skin condition. im pretty sure i read word by word not only scroll down to see pics. From your writing i also learn that you are a fun and funny girl. but i realized that myself more enjoy read your english writing than in indonesian :') dunno why. so this is my first greeting, keep writing informative also fun post! :D

  14. Hai filia.. Congratulations for over 1million pageviews. Yeay!!
    Actually, i'm ur silent deeply reader! Lemme introduce myself, i'm kiky, 22yo. Awal tau blog kamu bukan karena tentang makeup, tapi karena kamu pernah bahas tentang EXO! Ya, EXO! Hahaaa
    Terimakasih karena kamu udah nulis pengalamanmu menonton konser EXO di SMweek town langsung di Korea. Aaah i'm sooo jealous and happy for you. Diumur yang sudah tidak muda ini rasanya sulit mendapatkan teman sepantaran yang suka sama EXO. And finally i found you Filia. Yeeess you filiaaa. U're a student college, and u're in Koreaaaa but no sasaeng fans. Hahaha kidding! dan setelah melihat dari postinganmu , saya jadi yakin bagaimana biasnya fans2 korea EXO sendiri. hahaha
    Selanjutnya juga mau terimakasih banget buat kamu, karena selain kamu juga seneng sama dedek2 exo yang ngegemesin, kamu juga seorang beauty blogger! I love every reviews that u did before. Double combo deeeeh pokoknya. Manalagi sekarang aku lagi candu2nya sama hal2 tentang pewarna bibir, dan kamu salah satu beauty blogger Indonesia (selain rini cesilia dan sasyachi) yang rajin banget ngereview tentang lip product dari korea. Terimakasih banyak filia. Klo buat review produk selain lip produk mah kamu ga usah ditanyaiin lagi kemampuannya. Taraf profesyeneeel cyin (four thumbs).
    Knp Aku suka gaya kamu ngereview suatu beauty produk, krn kamu menyajikannya sangat informatif, details dan terstruktur. Kayak nulis skripsi aja yaa terstruktur. (omaigoooood, btw skrg ini aku lagi ngerjain skripsi yang mana lagi buntu trus mlipir2 walking blog ke blog ini, magnet blog ini besar sekali ternyata :(( )

    Last not least, I love too ur blog design, very minimalist (monochrome colour) with a little ornaments, jadi nggak bikin sakit mata banget. Haha Pertahankan ya filia!

    Sekian dulu cuap cuap dari aku, semoga review2 makeupnya semakin banyaaak dan banyaaak dan makin bisa bikin aku mupeng dengan segala keEXO-EXOannya. One day i'll stand in front of their stage in Korea. Hopefully!

    P.s semangat buat kuliahnya ya filia! I'll pray the best for ur last project to design 2clothes. Maybe one day u'll become a great fashion designer and i'll sit in frow row ur fashion show with Exo as the guest star. Amin

    Once again Congratulations Filia!

  15. Congratulations on the 1m+ page views Filia!!
    Whoever wins this giveaway will be very lucky and happy :)

  16. Hai.... akhirnya salah satu silent readermu komentar juga.
    Aku Ayu. Aku pertama kali 'nemu' blog ini mungkin sekitar dua bulanan yang lalu. Waktu itu aku nyari tentang produk contour/shading gituh. trus akhirnya nemu beberapa blog salah satunya blog ini. Trus iseng-iseng deh ngeliat profilmu ternyata kamu kuliah di Korea, fashion design pula. Akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk nge-stalk blok ini dari awal. hahaha.
    Oh iya, blog kamu asik. Cara penulisannya pun asik. Mulai dari reviewan kosmetik sampe tempat nongkrong aku suka *mungkin bisa dibilang bikin ngiler tepatnya*
    Terakhir... selamat ya untuk 1M page viewsnya. Mudah-mudahan blog ini semakin berguna untuk nusa dan bangsa (per-make up-an) :D

  17. Hai ka! Aku marsya hihii idk if you remember me or not... Dulu pernah nge-line kaka nitip meme box. Wah pasti creepy banget di line sama orang ga dikenal._. Ohya dulu pertama liat blog kaka tuh pas cari review TFS face it styling auto gel liner soalnya jarang banget tuh yang punya.. Terus liat2 blog kaka ternyata orang indo tinggal di korea;;; jadi minat banget sama blog kaka dan kaka juga suka ngereview rare item wah tambah demen deh hihi. Skrg buka blog kaka udah kaya daily routine gitu, i anticipate your blog posts, kak!!💗 blog kaka udah keren!! 9/10 deh tapi reviewnya aja kadang2 kurang rinci._. Ignya udah aku follow yah kak (@cmarsya)

  18. Rizky Dwi PermatasariAugust 14, 2014 at 11:16 PM

    Hai filia.. Congratulations for over 1million pageviews. Yeayyyy!!
    Actually, i'm ur silent deeply reader! Lemme introduce myself, i'm kiky, 22yo. Awal tau blog kamu bukan karena tentang dunia permakeupan, tapi karena kamu pernah bahas tentang EXO! Ya, EXO! Hahaaa Btw,terimakasih buat EXO karena gara2 EXO aku jadi tahu tentang blog mysugarcoffee ini. Terimakasih juga kamu udah mau berbagi pengalaman bagaimana rasanya menonton EXO langsung di Korea. Aaah i'm sooo jealous and happy for you. Saat ini aku ngerasa diumur yang sudah tidak muda ini rasanya sulit mendapatkan teman sepantaran yang suka juga sama EXO. And finally i found you Filia. U're a student college too like me dan setelah melihat postinganmu tentang konser SMTown Week kemaren aku makin yakin gimana biasnya para beberapa fan EXO disana.

    Selanjutnya mau terimakasih juga buat kamu, karena selain kamu juga seneng sama dedek2 exo, kamu juga seorang beauty blogger! I love every review that u did before. Double combo deeeeh pokoknya. Manalagi sekarang aku lagi candu2nya sama hal2 tentang pewarna bibir, dan kamu salah satu beauty blogger Indonesia (selain rini cesilia dan sasyachi) yang rajin banget ngereview tentang lip product dari korea. Terimakasih banyak filia. Kiss jauuuuhhh :* Sedangkan untuk review product lainnya selain "lip product" mah kamu ga usah ditanyaiin lagi kemampuannya. Taraf profesyeneeel cyin.

    Knp aku suka gaya kamu ngereview suatu beauty produk, karena kamu menyajikannya sangat informatif, details dan terstruktur. Kayak nulis skripsi aja yaa terstruktur. (omaigoiid, btw sekarang ini aku lagi ngerjain skripsi tapi malah main2 ke blogmu. huaah magnet blog ini kuaaaat banget untuk dibuka :(( )

    Last not least, I love too ur blog design, very minimalist (monochrome colour) with a little ornaments, jadi nggak bikin sakit mata banget. Haha Pertahankan ya filia!
    Sekian dulu cuap cuap dari aku, semoga review2 makeupnya semakin banyaaak dan banyaaak dan makin bisa bikin aku mupeng dengan segala keEXO-EXOannya. One day i'll stand in front of their stage in Korea. Hopefully!

    P.s semangat buat kuliahnya ya filia! I'll pray the best for ur last project to design 2clothes. Maybe one day u'll become a great fashion designer and i'll sit in frow row ur fashion show with Exo as the guest star. Amin

    Once Again, Congratulatioooonnss Filia for mysugarcoffee. ^^

  19. Umm.. so.. hello ! Remember me? That vanessaawoo who asked you to make a tutorial of how you do your eyeliner bcs i'm soooo envy how you did it so well 힝 ㅠㅠ and you made it! You dunno how greatful i am when i saw your post hiks ㅠㅠ and oh ya.. it has been almost a year since im officially bcame your loyal readers lol. Actually im a silent reader this whole time, bcs i simply have no blog and promised my self i shud be an active reader when i made one~ still remember i found it because of your innisfree mineral melting foundation review (that i was so curious about ><) and your last year's summer base makeup tutorial~

    Well i've also listed some reasons why i fell for your blog *coughs* ㅋㅋ first, i adore your wallapaper(?) That's super duper cool!! i swear!! B & W, 3ce, coffee .. a big WOW! Such a really great first impression! And i like how you sounds so friendly on your posts! like.. a lil girl writting on her diary ㅋㅋ, your really2 great english skill is also a big deal why i always "stay" here (envyㅠㅠ), and how your post is soooo authentic and trustable (have i mentioned that i actually have the pretty similar skin colour and condition with yours?ㅠㅠ) i adore you! Youre brave enough to post your bareskin and so "open" about the flaws you have. Actually im so bored of the bloggers with already perfect skin. No its not their fault. Just.. i can learn nothin from them bcs they dont even have to put on concealear ㅠㅠ*sighs*. Another point.. your posts are so up-to-date ㅠㅠ i knw it shud be so great livin in KR 힝 ㅠㅠ and im so surprised by the fact that YOU'RE AN EXO FAN TOO OMG..!! And You like yixing too?!!! Awwwㅠㅠ*okay stop the fangurlingㅋㅋ and one more gold.. i can find alot of innisfree and 3ce's reviews here yeayyy yeaayy yeaayyyy \o/

    And... CONGRATULATION FOR ACHIEVING 1M PAGEVIEWS!! That's seriously alot ! 축하축하~ Ah and you were askin for a suggestion rite? I think more tutorials or things like "winter makeup" will be cool!! Really!! Im lookin forward to that! And actually a tutorial of actress/idols
    makeups are so fine too! Hehe. I know you can do it!! <3

    Another "and" .. i wanna say thankyou. Tbh ive learned how to be.. somehow.. confident from you and your postsㅋㅋ and i dyed my hair by my self for the first time bcs of your post!! It helps aloootttt !! Hiks. I do have tons of new experiences and knowledges in the beauty world bcs of your posts and i really want to sincerely say thankyou <3

    P.S sorry for tons of "ㅠㅠ" its kinda my habbitㅋㅋ

    Sincerely one of your reader,

  20. Hello! My name is Shannen and usually I go with Shan. And first of all, Congratulation for your over a million page view, Cii❤ (/throws a confetti right here) I must say that you're really worth for your achievement!! I'll be always looking forward to all your writings and reviews and your dialogs too, haha.

    Oh, i've run to your blog because of my recent obsession for Innisfree. I found out that you were also having a lot of Innisfree reviews on the blog which provide me, personally, a lot things and consideration whether i should try it or not. Not to mention, your 3 Concept Eyes products too, I'm totally a sucker for that one. Well who can resist Sora anway, and they've got a lot make up products that worth to buy. And pst, i've become attached to look forward your blog because we also have almost the same skin consideration too, remember ( or not) when i asked you about my skin condition after using The Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum? ;_; Okay, forget about that one.

    And about your writting is just - i don't know, your english is really great. I mean it, like the grammars and how you provide such a clear explanation from all the products you'd reviewed. You are amazing person, and also a really really nice person to talk with. I enjoyed to read your writings! Keep the good work, Ci, i will always support you. And soo, that's it, the end of the comment❤

  21. Hello, my name is Athia. When I was searching for a product review (I forgot what it is :p) on google, I accidentally found your blog. And I found out that you have the same skin type as mine, moreover I'm a huge fan of korean cosmetic products and that's mostly what your blog is about. I rarely applied make up because of my skin type in the past (you know that make up is barely long lasting on my oily face and sometimes it causes break out), but after I read your whole blog and finally found out what good product that I should use and learn how to apply it, I started to give it a try . Well yeah, I've been a silent reader this whole time, so now I want to thank you to introduce me to some good products. Your blog gives a big influence in my buying decision. Other than beauty information, your blog gives me other useful information about Korean things, something that has been gotten my interest lately. Lastly, I've followed your IG. My username is athiaprividyani. I will read your blog more often in the future. Thank you again, Filia. :D

  22. My dearest 필리아 언니♥♥♥♥ 완전 축하행♥♥♥♥ 수고도 많았고 고생했어!!!! 앞으로도 잘 되길 바래♥ 사랑해!


  23. karin dipta prethiwiAugust 16, 2014 at 2:10 AM

    Hi Filia, selamat ya untuk 1.000.000 pageviewsnya! terima kasih sudah berhasil meracuni kami semua dengan postingan2mu yang bikin hati meringis dan dompet menjerit :___(( Awal pertama tau blog ini sekitar setengah taun yang lalu waktu iseng2 nyari review tentang etude any cushion. selama ini setiap punya bb cream selalu gak pernah berani untuk beli warna diluar natural beige, karena selalu punya pemikiran "natural adalah warna yang gak akan pernah salah pilih disaat lo bingung harus nentuin warna" tapi sejak baca postingan kamu yang milih warna honey beige, sementara hampir semua orang (sepertinya) selalu pilih natural shade, terhapuslah semua keyakinan seakan ditoyor laptop "kemane aje loooooo". dan bener aja it's perfectly fit to my skintone! sejak itu untuk urusan pilih warna bb cream, foundation, lipstik atau sebangsanya, aku selalu jadiin blog ini acuan sebelum MENYESAL. thanks to you Filia to become one of my trust makeup source sebelum menjatuhkan pilihan meminang makeup2 korea yang selalu memikat hati (tapi menyikat rekening) itu. untuk sarannya kalau mau jujur, GAK ADA, cukup jadi blog yang sama, informasi produk lengkap, gambar jelas, cara penulisan gak maksa, dan pastinya selalu informatif. aku juga udah follow IG kamu ya, malah udah follow dari masih pake id mysugarcoffee, hehehe.. sekali lagi, selamat yaaaa :)

  24. Hi! my name is Nadya :D I was started to read your blog when I am googling for a Banila Co. Primer review and i found your blog! first of all, i didn't notice that you are also an indonesian but after reading like a lot of your posts i see that you are indonesian and living in busan! I really wanted to live in Korea, so I am very much envying you. Okay, back to the story, shortly, I am reading many of your blog posts about make up reviews, skin care reviews and foundation reviews. to tell you, I am really really thankful to find a such blogger that have the same skin problem with me and stuffs that can help me to find great things for my poor face.

    Maybe it will sounds cheesy, but my whole make up life change a lot since I start reading your blog. moreover, knowing we have a similar skin condition, I really consider your reviews and voila! It also really FITS to my skin!!! because of your reviews, I start to buy the Innisfree Green tea seed serum that have done GREAT THINGS to my face making it looks a lot better than before. (*before I was scared to try korean brand skincare because I thought it will make my face worst, but I am really thanking you a lot for changing my opinion!) Now, I am recommending my korean skincare to everyone I know! Hahahhaha. The VDL foundation, banila primer, innisfree no sebum powder, and innisfree green tea seed serum has been my holy grail things that I never regret discover because of you. And oh! also the 3 concept eyes things! I am currently studying in Hong Kong and 3CE was as cheap as Korea here, so I am also buying a lot of 3CE too :p so far I'm sooo loving it!

    For your improvement, I don't think there is much to improve from your blog! hehehe but I think maybe you can make more dialogue and such funny stuffs! it keeps making my day if i went through something that I enjoy reading.

    PS: I think you should try Its Skin Power Formula VC Effector with Vitamin C Derivatives because it gives a very nice impact to my skin making it brighter and fixing my skin tone! :)

  25. Hello, my name is Anita. First time read your blog is when i google to find review on banila primer. After that i always come back to ur blog to see upcoming post you'll post. I started blog too before i find your blog and after seeing urs i started to get inspired to post more on my blog about products i just bought and review it too. For me ur post is very helpful cause usually you already bought something that on my wishlist and reading you review on the products make me even eager to buy it too.

    You do great job on this blog and hopefully in the future you can post more helpful post to all beauty enthusiast especially for korean makeup addict.

    Good luck xD

  26. Hello Filia! my name is Joanna and i've been your silent reader ever since you held a giveaway with petitecycys. What i can say is well your blog is really attractive because as for me, you and i have a similar skin condition and most of your product's choice is something that i need too for my skin (and it's really suit my wallet's condition one leh) hehehe. I love how organized your blog looked and how you write every single details like price, where to buy, ingredients, and else ^^. Oh, and also i really like how you take every photo because it's really clear and nice! I don't really have any complaints about your blog but it will be really helping if you can do more reviews about your hair products because your hair looked smooth and manageable hehehe! thank you very much filia! it's really nice to know you and your blog. <3

    ps : Congratulations for over 1million pageviews! keep up the good work! love ya <3 /sendingvirtualhug

  27. crap, how could i forgot my instagram name. it's @jp0304!!!!! what a potato

  28. Hi Filia, first thing first a huge congrats to you for the 1 million pageviews!!! You really deserve it :D
    My name is Stevani and I've been reading your blog since last year, I was looking for some review on 3CE product (it's the lip lacquer I think) and I stumbled on your blog. Then I realized that you're friends with Jessica Giacinta, which happened to be my cousin! Like what they're supposed to say, dunia ini emang sesempit daun kelor! Hahaha. I actually told her I read your blog and she also told me a lot about you! The reason that I've been a silent reader until now is that I was kinda shy, I don't know why :S I feel hesitant to approach you through this blog (Sebenernya takut dikira SKSD sih ama sodaraku hahaha) But not that I don't want to I swear! Beside the cousin thing, I really adore your blog and it really inspires me. If you have multiple blog visits from Taiwan, maybe that was from me lol. I check out your blog regularly and I find your reviews helpful and interesting (apalagi kalo post haul2 make up, ngileeeeerr). It really helps me decide whether to buy a product or not. And i don't think I can give you any constructive comments because I already think that your blog is perfect! I found that your reviews get more detailed lately so I have nothing to say about it. I love everything honestly, the layout, the pictures, the posts... I have a beauty blog too but i don't think it's comparable with yours >,< But I really aspire to have a blog that half as good as yours!
    Anyway, I'm really glad that I've finally found an opportunity to say all of this to you! Maybe I'll find the courage to comment on your post from now on! Coungratulations once again ^^

  29. Hai filia... Congratulation on your 1million views yaaa
    Just want to say i'm happy for u.. Dan memang kalo menurut aku blog kamu itu emg worth to read krn kamu termasuk detail kalo lg ngejelasin ttg review product. Trus kulitas fotonya juga bagus.. Jd ga heran kalo banyak bgt yg tertarik buat baca & selalu ngikutin perkembangan blog kamu (me, for example ;) belom lagi obrolan ngaco alias rambling ttg kehidupan sehari-hari yg kamu alamin, sumpah itu kocak... Hahahaa
    Aku sih ngarepinya kamu bisa lebih sering lg update blog nya, mau itu product review ato obrolan ngaco... Coz thats fun :)
    Oiya, kta pernah email-email an looh bbrp bulan lalu... Waktu itu aku nanya ke kamu ttg innisfree dan skrg aku bener-bener addict bgt sama skin care dari innisfree, terutama the green tea seed line (serum & aku juga pake oil nya) and true that innisfree realy is a good product coz my skin is now getting much much better ever since start using itu...aaaaaak ini semua gara-gara baca review innisfree kamuuh.. Tanggung jawab !! :D
    Trus aku juga suka bgt sama larc &infinite... Dan aku nntn konser mereka (larc & infinite) waktu mereka ke jakarta :)
    Hope we can watch their concert together in the future ;)
    See ya .. And keep being pretty :*

  30. hi filia! congrats ya buat 1 million views nya ^^
    aku baru aja follow blog km baru" ini, tp sbnrnya sih udh tau dari lama :b taunya itu awalnya krn liat" dr instagram nya ci rini sm petitcycys. aku suka bgt sm produk makeup korea jadinya blog cc itu pas bgt buat aku baca ^^ aku suka sm design blog cc, simple but looks elegant somehow. cara km nulis itu gampang bgt dimengerti, blm lagi foto"nya kualitasnya bgs bgt ^^ is it too much if I ask you to make more tutorials? ^^ thank you!

  31. Hi Fili~ Congratulation buat sejuta klik ke blog ini :) Semoga makin banyak yang tahu sebuah blog yang menyenangkan ini~

    Aku baca blog kamu sejak.... 2013 yang entah karena postingan yang mana dan aku SUKA~ Apalagi sejak kamu pasang dialog. Uh oh~ Kapan Fil posting dialog lagi? Kangen dengan cerita-cerita lucumu yang bikin ngakak sendiri waktu baca. Karena berasa ada di situ tahu sendiri pengalamanmu. Hehehe.

    I love your blog. Reviewmu lengkap, jelas, enak dibaca, fotonya sip, dan kita punya warna kulit yang sama. Hohoho. Postinganmu selalu jadi pertimbangan buat beli base products yang kamu review loh. Dan kamu ngga ngejar warna kulit putih-belang-sama-leher seperti apa yang lagi booming di drama-drama korea (karena aku ngga tahu nih nyatanya juga suka pada belang atau engga).

    Kamu ngga takut beli warna yang gelap. Kamu lebih takut warnanya keterangan dan ngga nyatu sama warna kulit sendiri. Toss dulu yuk *toss*

    Tipe kulit kita juga sejenis. :3 dan postinganmu juga meracuni diriku. (Thanks to you for the memebox!!! *scream* *hug and kisses*

    Fil, posting fashion-fashion juga dong :3 Hehehe... Atau tempat-tempat seru di sekitaran Busan. Siapa tahu ada yang mau ke Busan jadi terbantu atauuuu, kalau ada rejeki aku ke sana dan terbantu :p Hehehe.

    Oh ya, recreate makeup artis gitu dong FIl :)

    Yuk, kapan-kapan main Surabaya ketemuan bareng Ce Kathy juga~

    Haha... maaf yah maunya banyak :)

    Thank you soo much~

    Have a nice holiday before your next and last semester.

  32. Hi Filia :)
    First of all, I want to congratulate you for the 1 million page view!
    It is the first time, I leave a comment on your blog. It's been a while, since I became one of your silent reader. Accidentally, I found your blog when I google for Banila co's prime primer review. Since that time, you become one of my favorite blogger, I tend to check on your blog everyday for an update. I apologize if I hardly ever comment your blog :(, I'm kinda shy and not really a 'commenter'. lol
    I really like your blog because you always give detail information *very very very detail* regarding your product. Aside, I really like your funny nature especially when you post "Dialog", you are not afraid to show the "real" you!
    Overall, I really love your blog on how you review the item, on how you write the blog, basically, "Everything!!!" I have no complain *cross my heart* :D
    Please keep blogging, Filia! Once again, congratulations~

    your silent reader <3 *that isn't a silent reader anymore*

  33. Congratulations for the one million page views!!!!!!
    Uhm, I started reading your blog around 6 months ago. I was looking for the reviews of Innisfree Green Tea products, so I googled and your blog happened to be one that caught my eyes the most. Immediately after reading the review, I stalked your blog LMAO. From the latest to your very first post. [ It took days lmao! ] I really like your reviews because I also have oily acne-prone skin like yours and it's glad to know that lots of the products you've reviewed luckily and coincidentally suit my skin well :D . I like how you review the products in great details and your blog overally has a really bright and fun vibes, which I love! ♥
    I can't think of anything you should improve but err- maybe longer posts and even more frequent updates? Hehe. Cause I check your blog everyday, waiting for new reviews, it would be nice to read a new review everyday. And more tutorials maybe?
    I've always been one of your silent readers and I'm finally walking out of my hiding place now LMAO.
    Uhm, once again congratulations!
    Psst, you made me addicted to most of Innisfree products.. /money flies away;

  34. Marcellia MargarethaAugust 21, 2014 at 3:35 PM

    Hi Ci, congrats for the one million page views! Stay pretty and gorg Ci! :D

  35. okay i'm sorry bcs this is gonna be super super long..

    first, congrats for the one million page views! you know you deserve it girl! ;) ;p

    second, i did not expect to win anything.. i guess it's time for me to finally talk to you.. i was actually a silent reader and super sorry i actually never subscribed to your blog bcs i don't know how to! lol but seriously.. i don't have any of those you've mentioned (gfc/bloglovin/instagramsorry i'm gaptek)

    third, i actually found ur blog accidentally.. i was super galau n insecure.. i looked for u know some pencerahan about my galauness on google.. and i found ur post 'i envy her' and girl u know i can relate omg.. and then i praktekin you punya saran u know "just point out the stuff that's your better at her, keep it to your heart" and BOOMCLAP it worked on me everytime i feel insecure i just do it like u did and i feel better after that.. so thanku so much u saved my life <3<3<3

    fourth, semenjak itu i always look forward to ur post walaupun i ngga subscribed tp i always visit ur blog when i have a time.. aku juga yg awalnya ga ngerti makeup jd iseng2 suka experiment coba2 pake makeup walau pun hasilnya zonk lol tp sekarang udh mendingan suer! bcs i like the way you nulis.. so naturally, descriptive, detail dan bisa mudah diikuti.. so thank u lagi udh kasih review dan tutorial yg bs aku ikutin.. and i also watched ur videos on utube!

    fifth, intinya i stalked u a lot lol tp diem2 u've changed my life to be a better person(sounds so cliche tp bener!) trs juga ur blog tuh so fun! suka bgt baca dialog.. suka ketawa sendiri bacanya.. trs ttg kehidupan di korea dan kehidupan as a fangirl (i'm an exo-l too and i'm obsessed with korea)

    pokoknya semoga makin sukses di segala bidang (blog, love life,school etc) dan semoga kita bisa jd temen! yeay! aku punya temen org busan yg belajar bahasa indo di kampus ku di UI dan aku suka cerita ttg kamu ke dia.. dan dia suka bgt sama sifat fun kamu dan berharap kita bedua bs ketemu kamu someday hehe dan i actually ngerasa udh deket sama u pdhl kita blm pernah ketemu... dan sorry bgt sok akrab :( congrats sekali lg! Keep the good work!! byee :):)

  36. Hi, congrat for 1 million page views!! Hope it keeps counting rapidly :)
    I think I started to read your blog since last year. I got my tablet last year and this site is one of the bookmarked page on it. And since that time I become the silent reader kkk Yang paling aku suka dari blog kamu itu produk yang direview beneran update dan honest banget penyajiannya.Ada satu artikel yang aku paling ingat, tapi lupa productnya namanya apa, eyeshadow yang pasti, jadi waktu setelah review eyeshadow kamu ancur karena jatoh. Reaksi aku waktu baca: Geez, sayang bangettt! Di Indo mau beli susah carinya plus upgrade harganya mahal, kenapa jatoh hhhh. random sih. I just like the color and just feel guilty too. Hope this doesn't sound pathetic hhh
    Oh, post How to make up shopping in Korea, bener2 bantu banget buat acara blanja blinji trip aku pas disana taun lalu. I really appreciate that.
    I like both indonesia and englush written postings, I hope that this blog will get more readers and become more famous. Hmmm hope you will get official sponsor too one day^^

  37. sorry ini late reply banget 한국말 되게 잘 하신다!ㅎㅎㅎ 친구 할래!ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

  38. You won my giveaway dear!! Please send me an email so I can send the gifts to you!!!!! :D

  39. *baru baca editanya* kenapa kemaren engga bilang!!!! lollllll parah banget si jess cinta juga engga ngomonggg >_<

  40. im sorry i just replied omg ;_; college just started. AND THANK YOU OMG DID I REPLY LATE IM SORRY THANK YOU SO MUCH BTW OMG IM SOBBIN RN LOL

  41. I just found you blog, its very interesting and i look forward to your future posts
