
Must Have Products for Glass Skin!

Hello Sugars! Hari ini aku bawakan satu makeup tutorial yang simple banget untuk achieve "Glass Skin" dengan produk-produk yang pastinya sederhana dan engga mahal.

For me personally, Glass Skin ini kuncinya adalah di pemakaian skin care yang rajin sehingga kulit kita halus dan cerah dari dalam. Tapi, tentu dengan makeup sedikit bisa banget membuat kulit enhanced dengan glow

Nah, biar lebih jelas langsung aja ke link di bawah ini:




Hi Guys!

Salah satu pertanyaan yang aku paling sering dapat adalah....

It is easy! If... you watch my video in iStyle :D


Jenis Eyeliner yang Harus Banget Kamu Tahu!

Hi guys!

Hari ini aku mau kasih tahu jenis-jenis eyeliner secara dasar apa aja yang butuh kamu ketahui!
Kali ini aku membandingkan pensil, liquid, pen (spidol dan brush) dan gel!

Aku share tentang ini tak lain dan tak bukan di iStyle.id so go ahead ride away to the link:


Enjoy! xoxo


Jenis foundation apa yang paling cocok buat kamu???

Hi guys! Aku ada bikin artikel di istyle.id yang adalah video dan penjelasan singkat tentang gimana sih cara pilih foundation yang paling cocok untuk kamu!!

Di artikel disana aku ngomong tentang cushion, liquid, cream, stick, powder foundation dan bb cream! hehehe 

Nah, kalo kamu penasaran, langsung aja KLIK ke link di bawah:




REVIEW: Skin Dewi Helichrysum Brightening Vit. C Treatment & Raspberry Hydrating Cleansing Milk

hari ini aku mau review skin care dari Skin Dewi! Buat yang kurang tahu ini produk dari brand mana sih dan lain-lain aku ceritain dikit ya disini.. jujur aku pun baru tahu tentang Skin Dewi setelah mereka menawarkan untuk kerjasama dengan blog aku dan aku baca-baca mengenai mereka (and I would never do spons if i don't believe in the brand!)

Jadi, Skin Dewi ini adalah buah cinta dari kak Dewi Kauw, yang merasakan betapa susahnya mencari produk kulit yang cocok untuk kulit sensitif dan prone to allergy setelah anaknya menagalami kondisi alergi parah dan atopic dermatiti. Engga main-main, kak Dewi yang memang memiliki background Teknik Kimia, sampai belajar ke Jerman dan Prancis untuk belajar lebih dalam mengenai Skincare Natural dan Essentials Oils. Ceritanya seru banget, bisa dibaca full disini

Karena mereka engga sembarang kasih Skin Care tanpa mengetahui kondisi kulit kita, aku sempat isi kuesioner mengenai kondisi kulit aku. Dan di dalam kuesioner itu secara garis besar aku tulis kalau aku 
1) kulit kombinasi dengan T-zone yang lebih berminyak dan area luar yang cenderung lebih kering
2) Penampilan pori-pori yang besar (banyak white and black heads)
3) lebih acne prone di bagian dagu, dan blemishes di bagian tengah muka

Dengan penjelasan seperti di atas, aku dapat 2 produk.
Pertama, Skin Dewi Helichrysum Brightening Vit. C Treatment &
Raspberry Hydrating Cleansing Milk

Aku akan review satu-satu ya!

Pertama yang Helichrysum Brightening Vit. C Treatment - produk ini bentuknya lebih ke arah essence ya - warnanya milky gitu dan dikemas dengan pump packaging. Satu botol ini berisi 30g (1 oz fluid). Di botolnya tertulis bahwa produk ini mengandung rosehip & kakadu plum extracts dan berfungsi untuk "Lighten Hyperpigmentation & Scars and Promotes Supple Skin"

Lebih jelas lagi, di dalam website lebih dijelaskan lagi apa fungsi dari produk ini dan bahan-bahan lainnya seperti Alpha Lipoic Acid, Licorice Extract. Dan untuk Kakadu Plum Extract yang jujur baru pertama kali dengar, ternyata bahan ini bagus banget untuk mencerahkan kulit, mendorong produksi kolagen dalam kulit dan anti-inflammatory (ini setauku ya yang anti bikin merah-merah di kulit deh)

Ini adalah salah satu produk favorit dari Skin Dewi - dan aku lumayan ngerti sih kenapa ini bisa jadi favorit banyak orang! Dalam website dijelaskan juga problem kulit seperti apa yang bisa dibasmi oleh produk ini misalnya - hyperpigmentation akibat bekas jerawat, sinar matahari yang berlebihan ataupun merah-merah (yang dimana ini semua aku ada di muka komplit plit plit plit!)





IDR 1.035.000


Produk ini dipakai sesudah toner dan sebelum moisturizer - aku sendiri udah beberapa minggu pakai dan aku menggunakan produk ini sebagai ganti serum. Nah masuk ke dalam reviewnya nih ya. Produk ini mudah sekali diserap oleh kulit tanpa ada rasa lengket atau residue yang tersisa di kulit.

A little goes a long way - satu pump kecil aja udah bisa cover satu muka. Aku sendiri hanya pakai di daerah yang aku rasa butuh "pengobatan" di bidang hyperpigmentation - misalnya di daerah pipi, bawah mata (di deket cheek bone - not directly under), side of my nose, dan DAGU. Ketika aku mulai pakai Skin Dewi ini (aku pakai berbarengan regime skin care aku, jadi toner aku pakai Lush Tea Tree Mist dan COSRX Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer) aku emang abis jerawatan parah di bagian dagu akibat menstruasi (dan kebetulan aku abis travelling juga) jadi bekas jerawat aku emang lagi maksimal banget.

I think the texture and the absorption is great - one thing yang aku emang kurang suka adalah "wangi"nya. Yes, this product had this herbal-jamu scent and it's too strong for me. Tidak hanya aku juga emang anaknya engga terlalu suka sama yang baunya terlalu herbal, tapi ini baunya kenceng banget. Dan aku juga pakai di daerah hidung kan haha jadi I had to bear the scent - dan tentu saja wanginya engga terus-terusan di muka!

Lanjut ke produk berikutnya: Raspberry Hydrating Cleansing Milk. Secara sekilas packagingnya persis dengan Vit. C Treatment yang di atas. Menurut website Skin Dewi produk ini juga termasuk ke dalam brightening series - berarti cocok dipadupadakan dengan produk di atas.

Di dalam packagingnya tertulis kalau produk ini cocok digunakan untuk mereka yang mempunyai kulit kering - which di dalam penjelasan emngenai kulit aku, aku emang state kalau kulit aku kering di bagian luar aja. Sedangkan Cleansing Milk itu kan dipakai untuk cuci muka satu wajah ya - jadi bagian tengah wajah aku kena minyaknya juga haha

Untuk ingredients yang ada di dalam produk ini, selain Raspberry Oil dan Papaya Extract ada juga Vit. B3 dan D-pathenol yang membantu dalam proses anti-aging dan locks in moisture di dalam kulit. Kenapa anti-aging? Jadi kalau kulit kita kering, otomatis keriput di kulit itu lebih jelas terpampang dan terlihat (inget gurun sahara dengan cracksnya ya dimana-mana) 





IDR 325.000 / 50g


Untuk aku sendiri, produk ini aku pakai setelah aku bersihin makeup dengan cleansing foam dan makeup remover - baru aku pakai produk ini. Karena memang produk ini ditujukan untuk kulit kering, di aku produk ini terlalu "basah" karena dia produce satu layer of moisture di kulit. Nah, karena kulit aku berminyak di bagian tengah, jujur rasa minyak di hidung itu engga hilang-hilang dan aku sampe deg-degan takut makeup aku meleleh hahaha

Dan karena aku anak termalas satu dunia, aku udah coba untuk cuci makeup pakai ini dan alhasil tidak ada makeup yang terangkat haha (sebenarnya memang engga boleh hapus makeup pakai cleansing foam doang ya karena tidak terangkat sempurna)

Sebenarnya produk ini memang diperuntukan untuk gentle and mild cleansing karena dengan tujuan untuk tidak mengangkat semua kelembaban natural di muka.. sedangkan kalo kita yang berminyak kan ya pengennya minyak natural itu hilang ya haha

So far, aku pakai dua produk ini dari tanggal 14 Juni 2018 dan aku ambil foto afternya tanggal 9 Juli 2019, jadi aku pakai produk ini selama hampir 1 bulan.

Menurut aku, aku suka banget sama Vit. C Treatmentnya karena secara jelas dia membantu untuk mencerahkan kulit dan menyamarkan noda jerawat di dagu. Sebenarnya ada satu lagi kayak sun spot gitu di bawah mata, dan itu juga memudar jauh tapi sayang pas di foto itu engga terlalu keliatan karena emang engga terlalu jelas di before pun..

Selain noda jerawat yang pudar, merah-merah di pipi juga pudar, secara keseluruhan kulit aku semakin cerah (akibat bulan Mei aku pergi ke pulau Harapan dan engga pake sun block lol langsung iteman - tapi skrg slowly aku balik ke tone warna sebelum ke pulau!)

Nah, untuk yang Raspberry Cleansing Milk - menurut aku daripada untuk aku yang kulitnya kombinasi, lebih cocok untuk mereka yang punya kulit kering secara keseluruhan. Karena beda dengan essence atau serum yang bisa kita aplikasikan ke area spesifik, rada susah ya untuk cleansing milk diatur aplikasinya karena itu kan dalam proses cuci muka ya haha. 
Oh iya, Cleansing Milk ini juga wanginya strong sekali - dan bukan wangi raspberry ya tapi wangi herbal-herbal juga...

Overall, I'm super happy with the result. Tentu kalau lihat harganya, ini memang sebuah investasi untuk skincare. Websitenya sebenarnya lengkap banget untuk lihat list ingredients, fungsi dan cara pemakaian jadi biar kamu engga salah investasi! Terutama aku sangat satisfied with the Vit. C Treatment - dan no wonder itu jadi best seller di Skin Dewi!

Lebih cerah! Noda Pudar!

Thank you so much for reading today's review! Further questions? Feel free to drop them into comment section below! :)


REVIEW: Nakeup Face One Night Cushion 02 Nude Beige

Hi sugars!

Todayyyy I have a very excited review omg - I have a new cushion from Korea ofcourse, today I'm reviewing Nakeup Face One Night Cushion in 02 Beige Nude. I thought the name's cute tho haha I don't know if you're thinking otherwise. But I think it's easy to memorize.

i'm super excited about reviewing this cushion because there's something about this cushion that's I super love, and ofcourse looking at the time when I first tried cushion and looking how far the innovation and improvements that the cushion world had become. And you'll understand after reading my "*rave*ish review lol




IDR 414.680 with my link IDR. 321.860


First, lets talk about the packaging. Unlike it's predecessor cushions lol they're not as bulky. I realized that most of the new cushions packaging are definitely less bulkier (tho they still have the same amount of product, usually its 14g). And LOOK AT HOW PRETTY IS IT. My cushion literally get more compliments than my face LOL

also the logo - my peeps are like literally iz dat EXO's logo LOL

Not only the outer packaging, but I think the inside also complement the shiny pretty glitter.
Honestly speaking, I don't have lots of expectation toward this cushion because it's not something from a brand that I've ever heard. But, recently I realized that lots of smaller brand actually putting a lot of efforts in producing a good cushion (more effort that other popular brand - IMO) and in a way I'm excited to try but also not really expecting much.... get me? haha

Ok, going into the product itself - The cushion looks like other cushion ofc. And talking about the PUFF. It's the kind of puff that I like, sturdy one but still fluffy. Also the ribbon? band? (anw, something that you use to grab your puff) is sturdy and I like because.... I love Moonshot Puff because it's sturdy buuuuut the band broke on me TWICE even before I finish the cushion and I can't use the puff anymore.

It's coverage is medium - very light on the skin and it still looks like skin after I applied it on my skin (I have a close up picture below so you can see and we can get close and personal lol)

It doesn't have a white cast or will make your face ghastly white. But it still had this brightening effect - or maybe because it balancing my skin tone so that it looks fairer

medium coverage, but still covering redness and blemishes

Still looks like skin AND PLZ ADMIRE THE GLOW.
fyi, I don't wear primer because I want to see how long it'll last on my skin (because it's very glowy) thus the very visible pore on my cheek area lol.

The finish of the cushion is very. very glowy. Here's the part where I'll super rave the product. I've never encounter a glowy product that stays on my skin for a long time - I have a combination skin and it's very oily in my T-zone. And since the name of the cushion is one night stand, I imagine that the cushion will be matte/satin finish but it was dewy glowy. But omg, I wore this cushion for the whole day, I went to restaurants and cafe and it was hot outside and I spend a lot of time outside as well. So I expect that my face will melt down BUT OMG the whole cushion stayed on my face for the whole day, even without primer's help (But I still powder a bit, but not until I lost the dewyness)

my face after 7+ hours of wear - did not touch up at all

After 7 hours of wear, I did not look like an oil spill accident when I'm home and I'M SUPER IMPRESSED lol. The nose area could get a primer help especially for my pores lol. 

Overall, I'm SUPER IMPRESSED and RAVEEEe about this product. It's the most dewy but long lasting - a two combination I wouldn't expect to get in the same product - especially in cushions!! I super recommend this for:
1) those with dry skin but living in the tropical country
2) peeps that still want a glass skin look but you're literally an oil mine

Other than that awesome lasting power, the cushion actually contain Cica which is famous for calming sensitive skin

Even though I'm more to the oily side and WAS always, always avoid dewy products - i've been loving dewy look because it make me looks younger than matte face. lollllllll 

If you're interested to purchase, you can visit my Charis Store and get a discount (it's an affilite link). It's available in 2 shades!

Thank you so much for reading this review! I'm so excited to do a makeup tutorial with this cushion as well because FINALLY a dewy product that I actually LOVE! hahah see you later sugars! xoxo


REVIEW: Innisfree Always New Auto Pencil, Smart Blusher and Skinny Brow Mascara

Hi Everyone! As you may know (again, if you follow my Instagram! I always update there first so go follow @mysugarcoffee) I've collaborated with YES STYLE (yes! that famous website for Korean brand makeup and fashion!) I'm more than excited when I got their collaboration offer in my email. And moreeee excited because the product they want to sent me are all from Innisfree (If you're not here long enough, well I'M AN INNISFREE HOE).

And since they ask me to make a beauty related video so they're sending makeup (obviously). Anddd as much as I love Innisfree, I think I invested more in their skin care than their makeup products so this is a win-win for me. Here's the collaboration video in case you've missed it:

So, in the video I feature 4 products which are: Innisfree Skinny Brow Mascara in Espresso Brown, Innisfree Always New Auto Pencil #10 Juniper Way and #29 Camellia Garden Path, and Innisfree Smart Drawing Blusher #5 Shy Camellia Flower

Since it's just a one minute video, here's a dedicated blog post to review each products and what I think of them! I will link the products to YES STYLE website so you can directly purchase the products if you're interested. Remember! Every FIRST Purchase you can get extra 10% off with "YESSTYLE" code!

Around IDR 111.000

As the name suggest, it's Skinny! It's one of Innisfree Skinny line product, I think they have several eye-related product such as Mascara and Eyeliner - and honestly I don't really need a brow mascara since I dyed my hair black.

BUT after using the product, I kept on reaching this and it's easily became my eyebrow routine. Why?
1. It's separate my eyebrow, and coat them so they look thicker!
2. You guys know that bushy-on-the-front eyebrow trend? It's definitely easier to achieve with this product because you can really work on the details
3. It's super pigmented, it make my brow looks so much nicer
4. It last a long day - without any clumps!

Ok, the last point, the no clump one is definitely like a given one because you see how skinny is the wand but the fact that it has sooo many pigments it kinda shook me. I wouldn't expect for a product like this with a super thin wand would have pigmentation so good! Lasting power is also superb! But one thing that I concern about this kinda product is looking at how small the product is, will it last a long time or maybe it'll dry out in 3 weeks? Now that's I have to try longer to see and I'll be back and edit this part for more details.

Around IDR 150.000

Next one is Innisfree Always New Auto Liner in #10 Juniper Way and #29 Camellia Garden Path - So they asked me to choose 2 shade for eyeliner and lip color respectively. Juniper Way was my second choice because my initial first option was sold out (but I don't remember which one).
Talking about the Always New Auto Liner, i just realized that the way it re-sharpen the pencil is different from the previous version.

As you can see in the pictures there's a different in the old and new version.
In the old version, you need to turn the cap until there's a clicking sound and it'll sharpen itself.
For the new version, you will need to press the bottom part, and it will dispense the liner a bit and then you turn the cap in and you'll have sharper liner. In the new version, the sharping function in the cap won't work it you did not dispense the product. Meaning you can maybe save a bit more product, because in the old version you have to sharpen the product everytime you remove the cap. To be able to securely close the cap, you have to turn it until it clicks, and that means if you're not using a lot, you'll waste a bit of liner everytime you use. I think it's a better improvement!

#10 Juniper Way is medium brown shade with gold glitters. The shade actually is too light for my preference for eyeliner. I prefer darker one. But this shade is perfect if you like a more natural look or using eyeliner for underlining your eyes, I think this eyeliner is perfect for undereye, especially that gold glitters will reflect a bit.

#29 Camellia Garden Path is a bright pink mauve-y shade. I have a lot to say this particular shade - not in a bad way ofcourse. First, I don't use a lot of lip liner nor use one as a full on lip shade. So I thought I'm gonna use it for the video and that's that. The first time I swatched the product, I found out that the texture is very buttery - not what I expect from a lip liner (I always thought they glides on ok but not as far as buttery). Thennnn when I applied in on the lips the pigment just showed on soooo good on the lips, it even covered stains on my lips. Because it was so buttery, I thought I will have to dispense more product - but! even after 1 full lips application it still so sharp there's no need to dispense more :))) and the shade is soooo good to! Lasting power is ok - like a regular lipstick but I'm shook because it didn't dry out my lips.

Easy to sharpen!

The last but not least, Innisfree Smart Blusher in #5 Shy Camellia Flower
The thing that I love about this product is that it's literally already made for blush so it's really easy to blend! Not like other cream blusher that usually you have to be very careful for not over apply - it seems that it's almost impossible to over apply this product. It's texture is like gel, so it's more watery than creme, even with the brush inside I can blend it to perfection (since it's so watery) but without losing its pigment :) Lasting power is ok, because its kinda hard to layer to make it really pop - it looks really natural with this product so it's perfect for you that love natural look. And because of its watery texture, it's also not a problem to blend it over powdered face. But ofcourse blending it on non-powdered face is easier :)

Overall, I love all these 4 products - it seems like with this collaboration opportunity, I can venture out to products from Innisfree that I wouldn't try if I was on the store! I cannot recommend these products enough <3

Thank you so much for reading, Sugars! I hope I can help you in any way so that you'll make better makeup shopping decision! Any questions? Write it down the comment! And don't forget to follow my Instagram @mysugarcoffee for (almost) daily makeup video updates! Ciao!

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