


This is the giveaway I'm talking about, I'm giving away two of the Pony's Palette from Memebox (YES. BOTH OF THEM) - Brand new, winner takes it all! :) I made this giveaway to celebrate my new banner, yes it doesn't make sense, maybe I just want to giveaway something to you guys!

I'm giving away the first and the second Pony's Shine Easy Glam eyeshadow palettes - and this giveaway is OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Yay!

The giveaway is open for 3 weeks. It's my first time to open a giveaway with rafflecopter, and it's rather confusing for me. I didn't make it hard to join, the main point is you have to comment down below a beauty product you would want to try by this year, anything!

And the other is not mandatory, but it does increase your chances to win!

Good luck <3

Where to find me :
tumblr // youtube // instagram // twitter // deviantart


  1. I must try the YSL volupte tint in oil this year! And for skincare I really want to try some stuff from Cosrx and Lirikos.

  2. I'm not joining the giveaway, but I have both of these palettes :D I'm also holding a giveaway just because I changed my layout so I understand your reasoning hahaha

    I haven't tried out the second palette, but I really do like the first one. I also got the SoothingSista collab one and the shimmery and glitter shades are a bit weird, but the coloring of the palette is perfect.

    Hao | haodoyoungo

  3. I would really like to try the Laneige White Plus Renew Emulsion ever since you had mentioned it in one of your posts! I'm in my early 20s and I think this product will make a difference in my skincare routine.

  4. I've been wanting to try lots and lots of things lol. One of them is the newly released Innisfree Sparkling Water Essence. Because the commercial is so cute :P Thanks for the giveaway, Filia! The palettes look really nice and I adore Pony :)

  5. I'm definitely focusing on skincare more than makeup this year :D so I've recently received Hada Labo Hydrating Lotion and will be using that as soon as I finish my current products!

    I'd also love to know which palette you prefer between the. I was soooo excited when the first Pony palette came out. Thanks for holding it internationally! So upset that Memebox stopped their international shipping :(

    ~Weng wengiful

  6. I want to try Bare Minerals!


  7. Hello dear!
    Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway!
    These time, I'm really interested into SKII skincare, but as it's so so so expensive for my wallet, I'm thinking to buy a dupe, I found a lot of brand that is doing it as Missha, IOPE... so I don't know right now yet in which I will turn lol.
    Thx again, always like to read your blog!

  8. I'm very curious about the CORX products at the moment and I ordered some yesterday, so I'm really looking forward to try them :) Thanks for hosting this nice giveaway and I do like your new banner :)

  9. I want to try some cushion products like the Innisfree long wear cushion. i didnt get to try them yet :)
    Thank you for the giveaway!^^

  10. I've been using a lot of product from Etude house last year and they were great but some give me a mix feeling for them and this time the brand i wanted to try most this year is definitely Innisfree and 3CE! I know Innisfree are always great w their cushion and also skin care so I really want to try them out!
    Always been loving the reviews you post up to your blog, keep it up! xx

  11. i currently want to try cushion product. usually i used ordinary foundation from local brand like sariayu and pixy. i really curious about cushion product. i have't try any of it because it's way too expensive for my pocket. tbh, so many beauty product i haven't try because of that reason. Thank for that giveaway. i want to try them too. since i'm pony's fan. :)

  12. There's so many things I want to try!!! I really want to try Korean cushion foundations and definitely try to use more eyeshadow!! I don't wear eyeshadow that often when I wear make-up so I'll definitely need to watch youtube tutorials and learn haha!!!
    I love watching Pony's make-up videos, so thanks for the giveaway : )

  13. the colors look lovely !!! as in something i want to try this year is a liquid foundation by elf. i have always been a bb cream girl (and the idea of getting the 'perfect' color of foundation kinda scares me, i don't know what shade to get ...) trying a liquid foundation seems fun. looking forward for the day that i'm gonna be brave enough to make it happen :)

    Slumber Talk

  14. hmm.. eyebrow gel hehe because i starting not shaving my eyebrows this year and since my eyebrow is super wild and thick, I need bold and long lasting eyebrow product to make it look nice and 'tame'

  15. Thank you for such a generous giveaway! I want to try the Innisfree creamymellow

  16. I would like to try the whole of the Innisfree green seed line this year, once I have finished my stock of meme products. hehe it may take me more then a year to finish that stock though, but I can dream. hhaha

  17. I'd love to try Shu Uemura's Lightbulb Foundation! It launched long ago but I haven't got my hands on it hurrr I should catch up. Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Ahhh, thank-you for this awesome giveaway! A beauty product that I want to try out this year would have to be the Tarte Amazonian Clay Foundation!!! I definitely want to give this product a go. I actually swatched the foundation at Sephora last week and loved how it felt. I defeinitely will get my hands on this product asap! I can't stop thinking about it! Haha!

  19. Dewicitrachika ChikaFebruary 27, 2015 at 8:39 PM

    Theres alot of korean beauty product and other beauty product i want to try this year if i have a lot of money I would like to try majolica majorca mascara, etude color liquid lips the colors are pretty😍, paulas choice skincare i heard alot of good review about this, beauty blogger kyungsun×memebox bad girl makeup series, pony palettes, manic panic purple hair dye i want to have ombre hair 😁, lime crime salem so i can look like tough girl 😆😆, clearasil pads for acne, nyx matte lipstick whiped caviar the color look like kylie jenner lips 😁😁, benefit posietints and blushes rockateur, berrisom lipt tint tattoo, lush bath product and mask. And manyyyy moree 😂😂😂 i wish i can win your giveaway kak filia😀😀😀 congratulation for your graduation btw 😊😊😊

  20. Thank you for the giveaway :)
    I would like to try cushion product since I didn't get the chance to got my hands on cushion product and very curious about it. I also want to try Tom Ford's lipsticks and Nars as well, heard so much raves about them! As for skincare product, I really want to get my hands on La Mer cream, cause many people said it's a truly holy grail. Once again, thank you for the giveaway and congratulations Ci on your graduation! Hehe

  21. the beauty products that I really want to try this year is the Shu Uemura Lightbulb Foundation and Too Faced Semi Sweet Chocolate Bar palette. I heard a lot of good reviews of the lightbulb foundation and I really want to give it a try. They said, it gives glowing but matte finish, pretty much awesome since I have oily combination skin. While I have my own Chocolate Bar palette, I really want to try the semi sweet one since I really love the one I have right now ^^

  22. Thank you for the giveaway! I want to try more of ameli's platlips line this year. I like my makeup to be pretty low maintenance so their formula is my favorite... :)

  23. Awesome giveaway! I'm really keen to try some Tom Ford eyeshadows this year as well as more eyeshadow sticks by different brands... By Terry, Kiko, Rimmel, etc. I love how easy they are!

  24. I would like to try out lips product from Aritaum such as Honey Melting Tint, Ginger Sugar Tint Lip Balm & even the new Water Sliding Tint! The hype on these Aritaum tint balm is definitely not over yet. However I couldn't really find it anywhere here in Malaysia & the postage fee if I purchase online does kill :c
    Can't wait to try them out as soon as I get my hand on it :D

  25. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I really want to get my hands on the Lorac Pro Palette, all the colours look amazing and pigmented, so i definitely want to try that. Love how minimalistic your banner is by the way :) x

  26. YAYYY for another giveaway! Aku lagi pengen banget cobain Burberry lipstick just because I saw it on Pony's own YouTube channel :D The packaging looks so sleeeek *drools*

  27. Hihi! Thanks so much for giving away this item. Like you've mentioned, it's so hard to get ahold of this overseas :( I would love to try the Hada Labo Air BB Cream. Basically, I just wna try out more Japanese cosmetics :)

  28. I am looking forward to trying MAC Face&Body for the first time. Can't believe I never tried it!

  29. I would like to try Too Face's Pore Perfecting Complexion Primer Potion

  30. I really, really want to try LORAC pro eyeshadows! They will have to be a small treat for a special occasion but boy, do I want them! :)

  31. i would love to try the hera bb cushion! been hearing so much on it, its just unaffordable in my price range right now


  32. Few there - Etude House Beautyshot primer, Color in Liquid Lips, MAC Lightscapade highlighter and one of veluxe shadows. Holika Holika Nabi cream after I loved Miracle Real Skin Finish. It's Skin SYN-AKE serum. Tony Moly Magic Food banana pack and hand lotion xD As well as skin lightener from Saem and their skincare.

  33. There's lots I want to try this year which are Innisfree Orchid Enriched cream, creamy lip mousse & real fluid rouge, Pony x Memebox palettes, Memebox products, Aritaum water sliding tint, Peripera rouge pang, Etude House dear my wish lips & beauty shot blur cream, Berrisom my lip tint pack, Banilla co. cc cushion & balm remover :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  34. At this moment, I would like to try the BB/CC cream from Hera, the skincare products from Sulwhasoo, and the eyeshadows from Aritaum.

  35. I have not tried ANY of the Naked Palettes yet! This is my number one thing to try right now. I can't believe I haven't had the chance yet!

  36. There are so many beauty products to discover and try but I definitely want to try a myriad of bb cushions that have been hyped up for quite some time. As well as the Chosungah22 Peachy Glow Pact, and Skinfood salmon concealer

    Great new banner btw! it`s simplistic and the coffee cup icon is cute~

  37. I'd love to try any Memebox products, including these palettes of course :)

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!


  38. Chairunnisa SitompulFebruary 28, 2015 at 1:56 AM

    There are quite a lot beauty product that I want to try. First is the innisfree lip concealer (I tried etude house one and it looks terrible on me), innisfree skinny microcara (simply because of the tiny brush which is good for lower lash), innisfree creamy tint lip mousse, all aritaum product (all of them really so tempting esp their mono eyeshadow,shine fix eyes, lollipop tint,), etude house color my lips also looks so cute, etude house mascara fixer also look so good too,peripera frozen lip tint, missha 4d mascara and undereye brightenerc(btw do I have to go this far?? hhahah) seriously this just make me remember those all time wishlist that never came true. hope I can get my hands on all of them this year.

    but anyway, I have to tell you kak, sebenernya selalu mantengin blogmu loh. maapin aja klo suka gak leave comment (although I feel myself think that comment is a kind of support though,jd malu kalo comment nya cuma kalo ada giveaway kayak gini) soalnya your post udah clearly stated everything deh. jadi udah gk mikir pertanyaan lain2 lagi.and tbh I always nunggu new post from you soalnya jadi racun baru buat nambah wishlist walalupun akhirannya bokek (yg ini kok jd malah seneng ya). keep posting ya darl, I do love korean cosmetics with all those bright colorful colors with cute packaging

  39. I would like to experiment with BB Cushions this year starting with the Laneige BB Cushion Pore Control. I'd also like to try out more of Innisfree's skincare products and Elishacoy's Vivid Party lipsticks. Thank you for hosting such an awesome giveaway btw!

  40. I would love to try a BB cushion! Maybe the Innisfree Long Wear. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  41. First of all, congrars for the graduation! I've been reading your reviews for a while and really enjoy them. Thanks for hosting the giveaway, too.

    The beauty products I would like to try would Innisfree smart blender. I bought a rather lighte shade BB cream so I hope to have a thing to blend it with my darker shade BB/foundation. There's also the new lip products from both Innisfree and Etude, although I would have to finish up some of the lippies I have first (I have an embarassingly big collection now) Ah, and 3CE's watergloss in the orange or pink shades; I tried out the texture in the local Sasa and really like it so maybe I'll give it a go when my lip collection has thinned out. Aritaum's new water tint looks very tempting too...

    Other product would be eyeshadows in more vibrant colors, like pastels. I'm eyeing some of shu uemura's pressed eyeshadows and too faced chocolate. Perhaps I'll dabble in naked pallate 2 when my finance and space permits. I'm quite interested in tarte's famous blush, again I will only purchase when something in my hoard has hit pan. I'm starting to search for an affordable, colored mascara after finishing with VDL's so there's that.

    Moving on from makeup, I think I should invest more in skincare. Some of LUSH's anti blemish products would be great. I'd also like to try Shiseido's sunscreen when my kanebo's empty.

    I've accidentally turned this into a novel. Sorry about that. Again, thanks for hosting this giveaway, I hope you have a nice day.

  42. The BB cushions intrigue me so much. I really want to try one! They look very interesting.

  43. I would really like to try 3 Concept Eye's kissable lip color, particularly in #804! I have heard soo many good things about the brand that it would be lovely to try it!

  44. Hey :D I want to try some moonshot products this year and more innisfree products too (skincare and makeup) It will be a pleasure to introduce those products on my blog <3

  45. Thanks so much for the giveaway, I've been eyeing those shadows but I could never decide which one to get! I've been wanting to try the Josie Maran coconut watercolor cheek gelée in pink escape. I think it would be great for when wanting to look glowy especially since my skin can look quite dull after the winter season.

  46. Love the new banner!! I really want to try the Clio Gelpresso Eyeliners, the Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Powder (loose), MAC Foundation and any brand of liquid to matte lipsticks.

  47. Thanks for holding this awesome giveaway!

    I really want to try Etude House's Color in Liquid Lips and any of Innisfree's cushions. I've heard/read great reviews on them.

  48. This year I woul like to try the SKINFOOD Black Sugar Perfect First Serum and the COSRX AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid. Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway! Hope you are having a nice day.

  49. wow i'm drooling already! since my main problem is acne scars, this year i'd like to try Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid, OST C21.5, and IOPE bio essence intensive conditioning

  50. I would definitely love to try some higher end Korean products and compare them with the roadshop brands from Korea. Since I'm still a student that doesn't earn alot, splurging on higher end products is something that is not seen. #firstworldproblems #poorstudentproblems

    Some brands I would like to try would be IOPE (espeically their bb cushion), Laneige (skincare and makeup), Shu emura (i know this isn't Korean), Hera and many more ~~

  51. Thanks so much for holding this amazing giveaway *O*
    I definitely want to try using BB cushions as well as Etude House lipsticks! I've been eyeballing them for a while but they're so hard to get in my country, Australia!

  52. OMG! i really want to try the moonshot Lip products but i don't know where to buy since there's no online shop open for preorder, I live in indonesia ka filial, btw congrats for graduating! and come back to Indo yay!!

  53. I would love to try some COSRX products, I hear so many great things about them.

  54. I would definitely like to try out the Innisfree Green Tea seed oil. I have oily skin, but for some odd reason, I have been eyeing the oil for months now. However, its price always holds me back from buying it. The packaging is just so beautiful and elegant looking!

  55. I've been lusting to try the moonshot cream eyeshadows you reviewed! They looked amazing! As well as the new peel off jelly lip stain! Thanks for the giveaway Filia!!

  56. Because this year I made a new year resolution to change up my style in make up and fashion. I will love to try out the Naked eye palette since my make up routine is very basic (the usual cc cushion, concealer, eyeliner and a lippie). Will definitely want to try adding some colours aka eyeshadow to my make up routine. <3

  57. I really want to try the new Nars Dual Intensity Eyeshadows! I love a good shimmery shadow and they have a new palette out. The price tag stings a lot so I'm probably not going to get it but time will tell xD

  58. Klika Vania SalsabilaFebruary 28, 2015 at 5:47 PM

    I really really want to try Innisfree real fluid rouge.. oh how i wish there is innisfree shop in indonesia

  59. i like to try 3CE Lip products<3
    their colour is so pretty but still consider if want to buy bcz of pricey price? haha
    thank you for hosting this giveaway and congrats for your graduating !

  60. aku pengen coba produk moonshot,karena ngiler setelah liat review km yang

    lipstick nude fiction produk moonshot,karena aku pecinta warna-warna nude dan penasaran aja dengan produk YG ini.. :)

    thanks buat giveawaynya ya :) maaf aku jawabnya pake bhs indonesia aku kurang bisa bhsa inggris.. hehe :))

  61. This year I really want to finally try out a bb cushion, im deciding whether or not i should get the etude house one or the laniege one ahha too bad they dont have innisfree here in thailand or else i would try it after reading ur great review on it!

  62. Well, I actually have a list of products I really want to try this year:
    COSRX AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner, I heard that COSRX make good products with appropriate AHA and BHA percentage
    Innisfree Soybean Energy Essence, I tried the sample size for a month and it.makes.my.skin.behave <3 I'm purchasing the full size SOON

    And several lip products, I'm kind of obsessed with purple color right now:
    ARITAUM Style Pop Pudding Tint in #04 lolli pop
    INNISFREE Real Fluid Rouge in #10 blueberry purple

    I really like 3 concept eye lip color in #308 pink jam, but I want to purchase that color from another brand. Do you have any recommendation? ^^

  63. This is a really nice giveaway, thank you =D
    I would really like to try hydrogel masks. I've read that they are better than sheet masks and they look so interesting!
    Another thing would be a Vitamin C Serum but I'm not quite sure yet if I will buy one and try making my own ^^

  64. Lovely giveaway~ I would love to try the Moonshot eyeshadows.. They look super pigmented and wonderful ^^

  65. actually I like your old banner more, it interprets your blog in a glance better but the new one is also good because it's simple ><

    I really want to try foundie/bb/cc cushion. but I keep delaying to buy it because the price reason #imbrokestudent
    another thing, I really want to try innisfree gree tea line. the whole product seems good but i'm little bit worry if it wouldn't suit my dry skin T__T
    and the last is laneige water bank line.... oh such a wonderful product with nice price... maybe I could afford that product after I graduated from univ and get a job ^^

  66. Wow nice new banner! :) Well, there are two things I want to try this year: OST C20 serum and wearing eyeshadow. I have never worn eyeshadow before!!! (Yes really ><") So I am so glad you are holding such a generous giveaway...hope I win! :D

  67. I want to try new sunscreens.

  68. I really want to try the HERA UV Mist Cushion Ultra Moisture before the summer of this year ^ ^

  69. Brigitta Bukan BrigittiuwFebruary 28, 2015 at 11:45 PM

    Please review lip tatto from berrisom maybe. In indonesia that's product so booming

  70. I want to try Etude House's Magic Face Blur. It just looks too good to be true haha. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  71. I want to try the Becca perfect skin mineral powder foundation :D thanks for holding the giveaway :)

  72. This year I really like to try Caudalie Midnight Recovery oil and LUSH Big Shampoo!! they had really took my attention away but I haven't got any chance to buy them, especially Caudalie face oil because its quite hard to find it easily.

  73. i want to try Innisfree Long Wear Cushion, 3ce Lip Products and The Balm Blush On, honestly your old banner is better than now

  74. This year there are many beauty products I want to try!! But the main two products I want to try is Clio's Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion and Innisfree's Summer Eye Gel Liner #10 Chic Black. So really looking forward in trying these products ~

  75. This year I would like to take more care of my skin. As I have never used any Korean beauty products I plan to give them a try.

  76. I've heard so many great reviews about the Memebox Pony Palette and am very curious. Definitely will join!

  77. if we're being specific, i want to try mac's ripe peach ombre blush. but in general i want to try more highlighters and blushes this year.

  78. I would love to try out anything from COSRX!! Heard many good things about them : )

  79. I want to try the Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette

  80. I want to try the new Mizon lip gloss!

  81. I want to try la splash liquid lipstick 😊

  82. I'm dying to try be cushions. I've got étude houses precious mineral any cushion already in the mail and headed to me but I'm contemplating springing for a more expensive brand.

  83. I'am newbie in makeup. Read all your review makeup product, i really fond of all banila & co product, especially Banila Co. It's the Prime Primer. I really really want to try ít ~~~~

  84. I really want to try Benefit's Boxed Blushes in Hoola, Hervana and Coralista!

  85. My absolute must try beauty product for this year would be Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion. I heard this product is more on the affordable side so it's great for many who are students. Plus, you cannot go wrong with its long lasting and good coverage. Many Korean idols advertise this product and their skin looks flawless. This product will help me look young and fresh!

  86. I really want to try Missha's FTE!

  87. Oh gosh! There are a LOT of beauty products that I want to try this year. But if I had to choose, it would be The Balm's How 'Bout Them Apples? and Etude House's Play 101 pencil! I'm interested in both because they are multifunction and that means I don't have to spend too much money on different products😊 anyway, I love your blog! Keep on the good work ;-) *oh, and that's a lovely banner lol♡

  88. Ulinuha Rizky RudendMarch 1, 2015 at 6:37 PM

    Emm let's see, there are so many products that i HAVE to try this year. One of them is banila co 'It Shimmer base '. Because this year i am really into glowing look than matte look and i think the banila co really suit me . And next from maybelline the nudes eye shadow palette . The palette just really adorable and good ! All i need is there . :D

  89. I really want to try out the new pony palettes, étude house beauty shot pore blur, banila co w bouncing cushion and the tony moly BCdation base :)

  90. Thank You so much for this giveaway omg!! I just need the pony palette soo much ( from the bottom of my heart hahaha ) This year i really have to try the Etude House white sebum clear and some base makeup I really don't know which one yet maybe the hangover from benefit or an other one from Banilaco ( or maybe both hahaah )

  91. I want to try etude house any cushion >.<

  92. I would love to have the pony makeup palette - I'm a massive fan of hers and her shades look amazing! Honestly I've been hankering after some of the Innisfree products too; the creammellow lipstick, the dear my wish lips series from etude and even the play 101 pencils. I think makeup is never ending haha.

  93. I want to try the Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette))))

  94. I want to try the Avene 50FPS sunscreen spray :D

  95. There's so many beauty products that I'd like to try, but the one I'd really really love to try is YSL rouge volute lippie (and if I have to be specific, it'll be number 34 in Rose Asarine)

  96. that etude house colour in liquid, ugh i want to try those

  97. I will like to try Diorskin airflash foundation as I heard quite a few positive reviews of it. Also, will like to try Innisfree smart makeup blender as well! :)

  98. I would love to try Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz and Hair Rules Curly Whip.

  99. Hello.. i enjoyed your blog so much^^
    And want to take a part in your giveaway challengesㅋㅋ
    This year i wanna try Espoir Pastel Punch series! From lippies, blusher all the thing Espoire have for spring collectionㅋㅋ

  100. hihi :) i would like to try etude house's stay up foundation. i'm always looking for the next best foundation!

  101. Hi Filia~ The Latest Diorsnow collection 2015 is such a splurge since it's an Asia-exclusive edition <3 and also how about reviewing Japanese brands such as Maquillage, Coffret D'Or, or Natural derived beauty product from Korea *similarly like Innisfree* :)


    it's my first time leaving a comment here! I always follow your writing though since sika told me I have similar skin type with you and your writing kinda funny and refreshing to follow (esp. the one when you go to studio ghibli <3 and random chat (?) abt ur indonesian friend who likes to call random indonesian people in street *kinda forget* I was so lol when read it)

    would like you to try smashbox photo finish primer!
    I need more primer review from youuu since I'm not a primer person and I think now I want to use it but dont know whats best for my skin type T T

    or maybe rimmel stay matte powder transparent / rimmel scandal eyes kohl eyeliner (haha so many xD) thanks if you review it!

    keep blogging and maybe its late but congrats for the graduation and welcome back to Jakarta ! ;)


  103. Hi fil. Congratulation for your graduation. :)
    And welcome home!
    I'd love to try innisfree creamellow, bourjois lip velvet and pony palette of course.

  104. Hello!♡
    It's my first time leaving a comment here.
    I really like your post, because Iam a newbie in makeup and your post is informative and very useful for me. I've order The Saem Mojito mist after read your review =D
    I want to have an eyeshadow palette and also trying Etude House any cushion and Etude House face blur ^^

  105. 3CE, baca review blogger lain bikin g mupeng gila, tp sayang harganya agak sedikit mencekik leher hehehee

  106. Hello! This is my first time i comment at here xD I really like your blog because i can find reviews of products from brands like Aritaum, Mamonde,...This year i want to try Mamonde's products, especially Anti - trouble Emulsion and some from Aritaum xD
    Thank you for your giveaway and wish you had a great new year!

  107. Hi :) A beauty product that I'd like to try is lip tint, as I usually go out from morning until night and I find that my lipstick doesn't last very long. I have yet to find a color I like though!

  108. I would like to try more 3CE makeup products! :)

  109. i've been meaning to try products from Innisfree's green tea seed line! Also, this year I want to try bb cushion products as well.

  110. MAC lipsticks - I've never tried them!

  111. I'm looking forward to trying some more effective BHA products.

  112. I want to try liquid lipsticks... from any brand that's good!

  113. I'm hoping to try the memebox youtubers collaborations especially dayeong's stick foundation and brush! Unfortunately they are not available at where I live :(

  114. Mariaelena DominguezMarch 3, 2015 at 2:13 PM

    Too faced melted lipglosses.

  115. Going to try more liquid multi-use makeup products this year!

  116. Puput Nomundi SihmastutiMarch 3, 2015 at 3:40 PM

    hi filia. reading your blog post makes me really wanna try pony memebox palette. since i'm a big fan of pony's beauty diary. i'm really glad when she releases this palette cause the color selection of this palette really lovely for neutral eyeshadow palette. but it's really hard to get this palette, especially in indonesia, so i don't have any chance to try this palette yet :(

  117. Hi Filia! I really want to try kiss me heroine mascara because I've heard that it works wonders on lashes!

  118. I would love to try anything that is eye shadow. Would love to try eye shadows.

  119. Dina Lathifa HormanMarch 3, 2015 at 5:21 PM

    Halo Ka Filia! aku pengen banget nyobain beberapa produk Innisfree, Etude House, dan Aritaum. Aku pengen nyoba Innisfree Waterglow Cushion dan Innisfree Creamymellow lipstick. Terus, penasaran sama Etude House My Wish Lips Talk dan Aritaum Honey Melting Tint. Aku juga pengen banget nyoba beberapa produk memebox X Pony, sayangnya cuma dijual di memebox aja X|

  120. I'd actually like to try Kiehl's avacado eye cream. And also Hera's cushion foundation because I've heard such great reviews of it!

  121. I would like to try Clinique's Airbrush Concealer

  122. I would like to try etude house colour in liquid lip products and Hera's cushion foundation ^^

  123. I didn't see Pony apply any eyeshadow primer in her own palette tutorial, so i bet the colours are super intense and pigmented! Really want to try PonyxMemebox eyeshadow palette! :)

  124. I would love to try out something from PonyxMemebox

  125. 50shadesof YourOppaMarch 4, 2015 at 12:44 AM

    Hi Filia! This year, I would like to try Long Wear Cushion from Innisfree and skin care line from thailand iike Salmon Bright or Mores. I'd like to try SK-2 FTE too!

  126. Hello ! I want to try cleansing balms this year and my eyes are on Banila Co's famous one ! Thank you for this contest

  127. I really want to try some bb creams like Etude House's cotton fit BB cream, but i'm afraid that they won't work with my oily/combo skin tone.. I also want to buy more lipsticks!!


  128. I wanna try memebox!!!!
    Karna ga punya kartu credit jadi susah mau beli
    Apalagi shipping me indo lumayan
    Trus jualnya cuma di website

    Ngiler liat isi box yg unyu2

  129. Hi filia! There are many things in my beauty wishlist, and thanks to you, I'm really tempted with innisfree products :) Here is my list: innisfree smart make up blender, innisfree long wear cushion and 3ce creamy lip color #04 joyce. So far, i got cream mellow lipstick #03 cream coral and #05 sweet peach butter.

  130. My beuaty wishlist for this year is wanna to try a lot of Innisfree and 3ce product.. XD Currently addicted to Innisfree Real fluid rouge..

  131. hi !

    –––––––––– i'd love to try jeffree star cosmetics' liquid lipstick in "i'm royalty" .

    ––– nicole o.

  132. I really want to try some more korean brands, like Laneige (the cushions look soo good) and 3CE, or a Hera one. Also looking forward the Etude House new products for spring/summer :)
    Your reviews are so useful!
    Thank you so much for the giveaway :)

  133. Pony's memebox palette <3 oh my the color looks nicee.
    The products which I want to try are:
    Aritaum eyeshadow and lip products which color i like when beauty gurus swatch them into their hand or face.
    Innisfree mousse lip tint which looks great in lips.
    3CE lipstick and eyeshadow.
    Innisfree long wear cushion bb cream and many more.
    Basically every makeups that I can't find easily in Indonesia i want to try them. And i am excited you make this giveaway <3

  134. This year I am on a mission to find a lightwear and more natural alternative to my holy grail of bb creams, lioele triple the solution bb cream. First on my list, is the ever fun too cool for school's CC cream, dinoplatz multi cinema city CC!

  135. Just saw your review on the Laneige BB Cushion and I'm looking forward to giving it a try since the color/finish seems promising!

  136. I want to try IOPE Air Cushion C23. Bener-bener penasaran. Thank for the giveaway

  137. I really want to win this Pony Shine Easy Glam Eyeshadow Palettes><
    and the products that i want to try is:
    Innisfree Real Fluid Rouge
    Laneige BB Cushion
    Etude House Face Blur
    3CE lip products (i love all of them><)
    Thank you for holding this giveaway!^^

  138. Thanks for the giveaway ^^ I really want to try the aritaum eyeshadows because they have a lot of neutral shades I want to try out ;-;

  139. thankyou for this giveaway 😍😍
    I really want michelle phan's (em cosmetic) cheer life palette 🙆💕

  140. I would like to try Burberry kisses lipsticks.

  141. thank you for the giveaway <3

    well i just really wanna try etude house beauty shot face blur, i just think it would worth a try for me :3

  142. Mellyana TanuwijayaMarch 5, 2015 at 12:00 PM

    pengen nyoba dior founcation spray....kayaknya keren bgt tuh

  143. I hear tom ford lipstick is really good, like really. So I would like to try that someday

  144. I want to try the new mascara that is out by Benefit.

  145. Products I really want to try out this year are 3CE lip products, bourjois lip velvet, and Naked 3 Palette :D


  146. I really want to try Anastasia Beverly Hills Cream Contour Kits <3


  147. I've been wanting to try the Aritaum Monolid Eyeshadow for a long time. I know am super late on the bandwagon :( Also, i have heard a lot about the Memebox on Youtube from Korean gurus like Kim Dayoung, Sooyoung and Dawn, and I would LOVE to try them out! You might want to check them out if you haven't already! :) x -keeping my fingers crossed

  148. I'd like to try the Moringa shower gel by The Body Shop.

  149. This year i'd like to try lipstick from Marc Jacobs Kiss Pop # WHAM cause i really love the colour, and also i'd like to try 2 eyeshadows from Aritaum no 93 n 96 😊

  150. Anastasia Beverly Hills Cream Contour Kits would be amazing to try!

  151. i reaaalllllyyy want to try laneige pore cushion and sulwhasoo perfecting cushionn..

  152. I really want to try Aritaum's Water Sliding Tint! It looks like it would be so moisturising! I also want to try the Innisfree Green Tea Oil

  153. Amazing giveaway. I want to try all eyeshades

  154. I wanna try anything mac or smashbox

  155. I would want to try giorgio armani lasting silk foundation! I've heard it's really good.

  156. I really want to buy too faced chocolate bar eyeshadow pallete and laneige cushion

  157. I really, REALLY want to try a lot of products. But the top 3 on the list are K Palette 1 day Eyeliner (I'm super late, I know), Elisha Coy 3D Spin Cleaner (I guess that's what it's called. It's the face cleansing brush one), and the Paula's' Choice Acne Trial Kit. I'm tired of dealing with acnes and blackheads, also I can't seem to find any liquid liner that will stay on my oily lids :(

  158. I really want to try the famous Lime Crime Lip Collection, and also the dupe - LA Splash, which is a lot surprised by its staying power, like, forever!

  159. I really want to try Clinique's Wear Everyhwere Eyeshadow Palette, in any of the shades.

  160. In terms of Korean beauty products - I definitely want to try a lip tint!
    American products - Nars Creamy Radiant Concealer!! L'oreal True Match Foundation!

  161. The moringa scent is awesome! I have the hand cream but I think I'll be running out soon xD

  162. Laras Putri HandokoMarch 6, 2015 at 10:20 AM

    I've been dying to get my hands on pony palettes! And now that you've reviewed laneige pore control cushion, I want to try it as well :D

  163. Trizie Kara HusadaMarch 6, 2015 at 6:03 PM

    Since long time ago i really want to try Sephora Collection Perfection Mist Airbrush Foundation. People keep saying that it was so good you must purchase it because it gives you natural airbrush finish. I also want to try Lorac Unzipped Palette because the colours are so pretty and i think the colours can be used for everyday look, or maybe for dinner and party without looking too overwhelmed :D

  164. I've always wanted to get my hands on a Moonshot item, any Moonshot item or the Innisfree Longwear Cushion. Thank you so much for the giveaway ya Filia! Lu punya blog benar benar peeeeerrrfect~ Kekeke.

  165. I want to try new product from Innisfree which is Innisfree real liquid rouge. I think the colors are sooo nice. It's perfect for any occasion and the packaging is classy. Thankyou so much for the giveaway, I always read your blog hehehe you did a really good reviews!

  166. I'm really excited to try Etude House's Face Blur. But I'm not sure if it's going to be worth the investment. :/

  167. I've been wanting to try BB cushion but haven't really decided on which brand to try. But after reading your recent review of the one from Laneige, I think I know which one to get already :)

  168. Many beauty producys I wanna try, but I really curious with Moonshot products!

  169. I'm planning to try Peripera's lip products, particularly their tints. I've also heard so many good things about their products in general, so I'm set on including them when I make my next haul!

  170. I really want to try Etude House Fantastic Colour Eyes in Cherry Blossom! I crave that product so hard rn. ; ; and also Aritaum Honey Melting Tint c:

  171. innisfree water glow cushion,etude house blur cream

  172. I really want to try Etude House's Liquid Lips line! It's still not launched yet where I am but it looks amazing!

  173. Any korean branded bb creams!

  174. Ahh there's too many things, too many to list... I really really want to try Tom Ford Lip Color Shine, been on my list for too long, but too expensive can't afford haha. Hopefully I get my hands on at least one shade this year ^^

  175. Actually rather than trying just a product, I want to compare several lip top coats and look which one's good! I mean, we usually have a lip product in our fave colour but it tends to fade everytime and its rather annoying ;_;

  176. i would like to try some good eyeshadow palette (i don't care much about brand, as long as it's good :). would be awesome to use something pigmented to create new looks.

  177. i,desperately need the best base(foundation/bb) that match my skintone,skin condition etc. i've been wondering a lot if i should get laneige's bb cushion(pore control) but upon seeing your review,i will definitely get it!^^ i have innisfree's long wear cushion but it's too grayish and cakey for me.sobsss.thanks for the review btw!
    i hope luck is with me^^

  178. I really want to try Innisfree's long wear cushion :)

  179. Hello to you!! For this year, I would like to try new korean cosmetics, just like Secret Key & BRTC. I love them so much :) :)

  180. I just found your blog a few days ago and I love your reviews! This year, I would like to try something I tend to ignore when it comes to make up: blushers. I'm particularly interested in the Peripera cushion blusher. It looks so cute and easy to use~!

  181. As for someone who's new in beauty related things, I'd really like to try the Beauty Blender, Urban Decay Naked Skin Ultra Definition Loose Finishing Powder, and Kat Von D Lock It Tattoo Foundation :)

  182. This year, I would like to try Essence's xxxl longlasting lipgloss matt effect (I heard they're kind of similar to NYX's lip cream, but cheaper!) and also All About Nude eyeshadow pallette from the same brand.

  183. Izdihar Dian PawestriMarch 10, 2015 at 11:37 AM

    I'd like to try cushion product called "devil cushion/akma cushion" by brand Lalavesi. I heard that it's a huge hit in Korea, but the brand is less known compared to other Korean brands. And as much as I love make-up, I'd like to pay attention more for skincare. Therefore I'd also like to try some products by Scinic, I heard they got some awesome products for oily skin and pore problems.

  184. I'm really curious about the new Dayeong brush/foundation set! Honestly, I doubt it'd look as good on my face as it does on hers (her skin is so gorgeous!) but I'm still interested in trying it out. Thank you for the giveaway! :)

  185. Hi... I do really love to read your blog, because you have a same problem as mine,,, combo oily skin, etc etc... if you asked me 3 beauty product that i wish to try this year, it is innisfree jeju volcanic line (essence, lotion, toner, i wish you posted review on that :D), and just because you post lanaige pore cushion so i wish to try that one tooo ( because of you i just order the cushion, and now it's on delivery^^),,, and last i want to try Innisfree Soybean eyecream... i do wish to try this pony pallete but i can't find it in Indonesia (i have to buy globally and i don't prefer to buy globaly)... thanks^^ hope you make other riview on skincare and make up stuff for oily skin...

  186. I love reading your blog because you write honest reviews and they are always in depth. I really enjoy all of your reviews on korean products because I am currently also getting into asian makeup. Thanks for all your hard work! After reading your review on the Langiege pore control I really want to try that out!

  187. I might go to korea soon so I would love to try out more skincare products and blushes

  188. I'd say it's the Tony Moly gel liner and Laniege BB Pore Cushion. Your review on the Laniege cushion got me really interested to try it. :)

  189. I really want to try the NARS Sheer Glow Foundation and a cushion BB, it looks so squishy and exciting!

  190. I'd love to try Kat Von D's Everlasting Liquid Lipstick

  191. Beauty product that I'd really want to try this year is Chanel's Perfection Lumiere Velvet Foundation because I am so in need of a lightweight-yet-mattifying base product. ♥

  192. I'd love to get my hands (and eyeshadow brush) on Lancome's "My French Palette"!

  193. There are so many beauty products I want to try this year...But I'd really love to try innisfree longwear cushion. 3ce creamy lip color, cliio gel liner, and hera cc cream! ♥

  194. i would love to try nars bronzers and benefits fake up concealer.

  195. i need to find a new mascara, thinking its time to try 3D lashes by younique

  196. I want to try Maybelline's Color Elixir as well as Body Shops Vitamin E Facial Mist

  197. I'd really love to try some of the Memebox X Beauty Vloggers collabs, especially of course the Pony one and also So Young's Beauty Room. Her lip and cheek products look soo pretty!

  198. I have tested the laneige's bb cushion at the counter, and after reading your review, I'd definitely love to give this a go this year! :)

  199. I've watched the drama, My Love From Another Star and I fell in love with Cheon Song Yi's lipstick colors! But the lipsticks she used turn out to be quite expensive.I really would like to try the Lorac Pro Matte lip color because I heard it resembles the colors and finish of her lipsticks. I've tried it at the department store and it's very moisturizing and smooth. The good part about it is that it's on the affordable side (:

    By the way, your blog is awesome and helpful. Whenever I buy Korean cosmetics, I always turn to your blog for your advice/review.


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