
It's Autumn! And it is killing me!

Hari ini berkat gue mengabaikan aba-aba dari room mate, gue balik ke kamar dengan keadaan mengenaskan. Kedinginan, basah, dan merah-merah. Emang susah yang namanya manusia tropis tiba-tiba harus imigrasi ke tempat yang punya cuaca ekstrim. Judulnya sih masih musim gugur, tapi ternyata BRR dinginnya selevel puncak x 1.000. Ekstrim!

Gara-gara cuaca yang makin dingin, saya makin niat bolos sekolah #alasan
dingin-dingin begitu, apalagi tadi hujan, emang paling enak ngeringkel di kasur dan pelukan sama guling sama pacaran sama bantal. Tapi itu semua tinggal mimpi..

Berhubung sebentar lagi mau UAS, gue dikejar-kejar sama semua paper yang belom kelar. Sialnya hampir semua ada paper, tapi masih ada UAS. Maruk banget! Gara-gara ngerjain paper sampe malem, gue nggak fokus di kelas, bawaannya mikirin komputer, ngisi TTS kompas, makan roti dan susu (aku anak sehat yey!), sama gambar-gambar. Padahal biasa juga gitu #calonmahasiswatelatlulus

Cuma yang bikin gue rada kebangun pas kelas, adalah ketika guru gue ngejelasin bahwa sekarang ada baju yang terbuat dari serat susu. BAYANGKAN! (coba dibayangin dulu) Gimana coba cara susu jadi kain?? Sebenernya gurunya ngejelasin juga gimana caranya, tapi keterbatasan bahasa membuat gw cuma ngeraba-raba dari gambarnya.

Ternyata baju dari susu itu bukan untuk konsumsi (loh?) manusia umumnya. Tapi khusus untuk bayi yang katanya kulitnya sensitif. Jadi baju susu untuk penetek susu (rada jorok yah).

Tapi tetep aja menurut gue kurang masuk akal. Gimana kalo bayinya laper, emaknya nggak ada, dia emut itu baju? Nah loh.

Selesai kelas mematikan 5 jam, gue dan temen gue memutuskan buat jalan-jalan yang berarti menantang maut. Karena kita berdua itu salah kostum to the max, tapi yaudah deh yah namanya juga perempuan. Cap cuss cyiiin!

Habis jalan-jalan-jalan-jalan, kita udah cukup jadi es di luar, tapi gue notice daun-daun kuning nan elok yang pada rontok dihantam hujan. Berhubung bawa kamera, kita malah narsis-narsisan di sekolah.

si cyiin dengan warna rambut yang serasi sama pohon 

Alhasil, gue kembali dengan tangan setengah beku, baju setengah basah, dan kulit merah-merah #sigh

Pas ngelihat jejeran pohon dengan warna merah-coklat-kuning, emang bener musim gugur itu musim galau. Tapi dibanding galau yang normal, gue lebih merasakan kegalauan yang sedikit bau mahasiswa dan jomblowati. Galau keuangan, galau cuaca, dan galau ujian. Bah. Emang nasib banget yah single.

Masalah keuangan, gue emang boros banget. Terakhir ini gue dikasih uang buat beli tiket pulang. Karena nggak jadi, itu duit nongkrong aja di bank. Eh nggak betah kali yah duitnya, pada ngacir keluar loh nyet! Sumpah deh! Tiba-tiba jadi tinggal dikit gitu jumlahnya :(

Gara-gara gue nggak pulang, muncul lah kegalauan kedua, galau cuaca, topiknya : "Kuatkah Filia Menghadapi Musim Dingin Busan?" Ini penting banget. Dan gue yakin buku pintar juga nggak tau jawabannya. Sekarang ini aja gue rasanya kayak snow-girl berjalan keluar. Gimana winter??

Kalau galau ujian gue yakin semua juga galau. Yang pasti galau ini diikuti rasa penyesalan. Coba dulu gue dengerin guru, coba gue nggak bolos, coba gue kerjain itu tugas, coba gue duduk di sebelah si ganteng, dan lain-lain.

Jadiii minggu-minggu ini akan menjadi minggu perang. Antara gue, buku, pensil, dan kertas ujian. Gue sangat berharap dalam perang ini, kertas ujian (yang tentunya ada soalnya) mau menjadi sekutu ini, dan memenangkan perang ini! HIAT!

Dan kalian yang mau ujian juga, cemugudh yang kakaaaaa :*



Cafe 101 - #4 OKDabang

I was looking through my camera's back up folder, that i did months months ago, and i just realized there are many cafes that i've went and planned to blogged about, but it's just forgotten! It would be wasteful if i didn't do anything 'bout it so here we go!

O K  D A B A N G !

I believed the owner means, OK cafe. Since 'Dabang' in Korean is a quite old saying meaning coffee shop or cafe. But, the way the Korean way says 옥다방 just confused me. I mean you should wrote it O-KAY-DA-BANG instead of OK-DA-BANG. I found this quite weird and totally confusing for first timer. Like me.

So this cafe is famous because it had a Music Box in there! Like a real DJ would sit there and taking request on some days, and she could even tells message, just like the old time radio! 

And the cool thing is, we could take picture inside! There's a lot of costumes and wigs and halloween-costume-related stuff. We could actually ask the DJ to move away, and help us to take photo! lol

Another stuff that's famous from this cafe is... HONEY BREAD!
They're honey bread is rumourly delicious, and moreover, BIG!

Honey Bread and Caramel Macchiato! All in a quite gigantic sizes!

It was delicioussssssss <3
But according to my buddy, it's not as delicious as her first time. She said it should be more crunchier outside and softer inside, and warmer. Maybe it's just her conception, because it was like, her second time, of course the first time felt the best right? ;)

I don't really like how the services work tho. I don't know, but i came on like work days so there's not really much people working. So i have to come front and see the menu, they didn't gave me any menu or wth. It was all in Korean and so small written. I had to pinch my eyes to see better. ck. And then i have to pick up all the stuff myself again. So not really comfortable.


The environment too, not really preferable. Okdabang is located near busiest road in Kyungdae, busy because so many bar, game center, and stuff. So not really a good place to open a cafe. And they usually opens the windows, but that just made it worse.

Just like other Korean cafes, many post its were sticked and there's actually a bunch of post its in our table, so we scribble just like all other guest did! lol

scribble scribble write writeeee

Challenging myself to drew my Kim Jae Wook phone wallpaper


Me and friend did some 'manga class' in the cafe and sticks our works in the chair. But then miracle happened, when we went again to Okdabang, they sticked some stickers and tape to keep our post-it 'works' from falling!!! OMG never knew we are that good! lol


A Little cam-ho moment lol. 

Okdabang is definetly not the place you can relax, but it's a perfect place to hang out, chit-chat and eats honey bread of course!! :9

It said they have a study room upstair, haven't checked! But looking forward on checking later on! lol


Indonesia-o DEBUT!

Setelah sekian lama gue nge-blog dengan bahasa Inggris, gue menyerah dengan ketidakbisaan otak gue menampung bahasa lebih dari dua sekali mikir. Dan hari ini adalah hari debut blog ini yey!

Setiap hari rasanya gue udah diperkosa dengan bahasa Korea yang dengan semena-mena diperdengarkan ke gue. Entah lagi bengong di kelas (kebanyakan) maupun menulis paper dan report yang akhir-akhir ini melolong minta dikerjakan.. Jadi ngebuat gue mikir, kenapa juga gue harus nulis blog pake bahasa Inggris?

Emang bahasa Indonesia sebenernya bukan pilihan pertama gue, karena yah, gue pengen blog ini Go International *sok* tapi apa daya nggak juga kesampaian.

Dan banyak masalah yang bisa terjadi dengan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia di blog, misalnya kebanyakan singkatan, yang kadang ngebuat isi blog jadi kayak SMS.

"Jd hr ini gw mw bls kls, jd l mw iqt gx?" misal ekstrim+alaynya. Sedang gw yang selama ini berkutat dengan sms dan twitter, kebiasaan menyingkat susah banget buat diilangin. Padahal gue pengen blog ini juga rada berkelas gitu, nggak ababil, dewasa gimana gitu, karena yang nulis juga nggak kesampaian imagenya :(

Lanjut dengan itu, pembangunan image juga jadi sepertinya jatuh dikarenakan penggunaan 'gue-elo' ini. Itu juga yang membuat gue bimbang pas mau nulis blog pakai Bahasa, GUE / SAYA / AKU??

...Akhirnya gue memilih 'gue' karena yah, gue merasa munafik kalo memilih yang lain. Karena sehari-hari juga gue cuma pake gue-elo. Maklum, jomblo. #calonforeveralone

Setelah sekian lama meninggalkan Indonesia *sokdikali2* (padahal baru berapa bulan lalu juga pulang.) gue kadang ketinggalan hal-hal yang heboh dan menarik di Indonesia, misal : Infotainment.

Sebenernya bisa aja gue ikutin infotainment di sini yang sepertinya tidak kalah menarik, tapi apa daya, infotainment Indonesia itu kayak sambel roa, NAGIHNYA POL. Waktu gue nganggur di Indonesia, yang gue liat di siang bolong, selain drama Korea di dubbing mas-mas, tak lain adalah Infotainment!

Emang bener kata orang, kalo lagi santai, informasi cepet banget diserap otak. Makanya infotainment itu jadi semacam pendidikan yang masuk ke otak gue satu-satunya pas lagi liburan. Alhasil? Hidup gue bolong tanpa gosip celeb.

Dan kemaren gue sempet catch up sama temen bff nyetttt gue pas SMA, trus dia membantu menuntun gw yang buta kembali nyemplung ke infotainment Indonesia. Lalu apa yang gue dapet? Syahrini ngetop banget, begitu pula Ayu Ting-Ting.

Jambul Khatulistiwa saya gimana mas Beckham? 

Gue nggak habis pikir.
Kenapa harus Syahrini yang menjemput? KENAPAAA?

Mengingat-ingat kegagalan dia pas MC di acara TNI pas Hyunbin datang, gue nggak ngerti lagi kenapa juga dia lagi yang dipilih.

Mengingat ketika pas Hyunbin, dia nyuruh penerjemah buat suruh Hyunbin bilang "Indonesia se-su-a-tu" ketika ditanya kesan tentang negara Indonesia. HALO? Sebagai perwakilan Militer Korea, buat dia bisa komentar jauh lebih berkelas dibanding itu dan malah harus mengucapkan kalimat yang seakan jadi lucu-lucuan.

Gue jujur sampe sekarang nggak ngerti maksud Indonesia Sesuatu. Mungkin penerjemahnya juga bingung mau nyampein apa....

Buat Ayu Ting-Ting, gue juga nggak jelas dia ini kenapa bisa mendadak terkenal, tapi emang dia cantik dan dia bisa nyanyi ...... dangdut. Trus gue denger desas-desus akhir tahun dia bakal ke Korea dan tampil. Challenge Accepted, coba kita lihat apakah saya bisa lihat dia di sini? haha



L'arc~en~Ciel and other galau-ness

Ok, you know when i decided to go study abroad to KOREA
I thought of these sweeeeeeet things i could do here:


Yeap, i was wrong. so stupid of me. blah.

Now since i went to Korea, looks like ALL KOREAN IDOL/SINGER/ACTOR or wtf is that is going to INDONESIA my beloved home country. Can't be more excited! *sarcastic yeay*

You see, try mention idols that NOT coming to Indonesia.............sigh

But i did got to see some, and probably most, of idols Korea can offer for free tho. And also fansigns.
SO i envy you guys, some of the guise envy me too ;)

But then, i still hope I might could can and whatever, could see my ultimate idol-slash-band-slash-jrock L'Arc~en~Ciel! Since they've been holding concert in Korea back and forth, i really did wish i could watch them, and actually pray they won't come to Indonesia when I'm in Korea.

There are some rumor that Laruku would have a World Tour, i was HOPING like really HOPING it would go to Indonesa/Korea/ or any place i will have the chance to visit. But you know NO KOREA NO INDONESIA.


Then another news come and tells, there will be a LIVE SCREENING in the cinema, the same date and hour when they're concert-ing and stuff.




I just lost my soul. 



BUSAN FANMEETING-S! (Boyfriend and Simon D)

It's been a long time since.. i actually... wrote.
But anyways it had been a very VERY VERY exciting week (actually, weekends, weekdays are sucks)
and i cant hold myself to not to blog! lol

So it started when there's an announcement for SIMON D's fansigns and free performance on this saturday (12/11/11). Fansigns is for 200 first people who bought his latest CD in synnara Busan, Somyon. And i'm the lucky 51!

And then next to Simon D, suddenly there's Boyfriend's fansigning for their second single album (Don't Touch My Girlfriend) and it was for 150 lucky people who bought this album in synnara Busan too. The event would be held at 12/11/11 which is TODAY and which is THE SAME DAY AS SIMON D's. But the awesomeness had not stopped. I GOT BOYFRIEND'S FANSIGN! Even though it was in the very same day, it was in a same area and a litttttle bit of different time.

lucky number!

SO first we got to Boyfriend's
It was in Migliore (did i spell that right, meh) in Somyon, Busan. The very same place as B1A4's first fansign in Busan.

SUPPOSEDly it was going to started at 1 PM (you see over the banner, yap 1 PM) and bla-bla-bla how Koreans is really hate the word 'late', the fansigning event is actually late by an hour. We have to stand in lines and wait for an hour. And because i was late to take the numbers, I have to separate with my other Indonesian friend, and basically standing alone for about half an hour #foreveralone. But!! I met these awesome Thai fans that is also a student in Busan! Nice to meet you guys! :D

sawadde ka! (is this right? :/)

Funny thing is they gonna asked the boyfriends to wrote their name in Thai! lol

OK, here's some picture from todays! actually got great place to take picture, but with bad camera. so Enjoy everything you can ;)



great timing! closed eyes! lol 

 the mighty twins!

another great timing! haha 

 what's so funny? lmao

"my marker!  i have my own!!" 


dont you ever wonder what the hell are they talking about 

And here we are to the SIGNS! <3 (oh, their costumes is GREAT anw!) 

down : 인도니시아 팬 사랑해요! Means "I Love Indonesian Fans!"  <3 asked him that! ;P 

down : 그럼 또 와용 <3 Means : Come again!

Actually todays fansigning is not really exciting or anything. First it was delayed by and hour, and it seems the boyfriend member is already all worn out and looks ultimately tired. Their gestures isn't nice either. They didn't asked for handshake, or even bother to talk to the foreigners coming. Maybe they have a busy schedule or what, but it was somewhat disappointing :( But anw i wish them to be all healthy and stuff. 

Next is SIMON D!

ok short, he's nice and short, and is more handsome than his TV appearance. AND he is NICE. NICE. NICE. I even prefer Simon D's fansigning than Boyfriend's

my friend getting their album autographed! 

"Palli Palli!!" so cute lol

I asked him to strike a pose right when he is autographing my album, but it was too fast. sorry bro your picture is not as cool as your pose. only me knows ;)


I said i was AB type (bloodtype) too, and he gave me


Now I'm gonna soak my feet in warm water because my leg is trying to kill me from 12++ hours over worked these days. 

See ya!


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