After you upgrade your Kakaotalk to version 3.0 (I suppose?), YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO FOLLOW THESE STEPS for changing your theme.
You could just go to MORE > SETTINGS > THEME SETTING
Theme you downloaded will also available in the option. About the application I mentioned below you could still use it for downloading themes!! Thankyou!!
click on the link above for IPHONE USER! There is a step-by-step way to decorate your Kakaotalk! Basically almost the same as Android user, but different application! Thankyou for Hajun1237 for sending in the link!
When i was studying in Korea (In fact, i still do it) I realized how Korean really prefer to use Android phone more than anything!
Me myself, i use a Galaxy phone, which is totally an Android. And the most popular messenger application to chat is of course, Kakao Talk!
It's a Korean application, and recently really popular because there are so many entertainment company, especially SM Ent. To use Kakao talk as their marketing media. But recently not only SM ent, I guess JYP Ent. is also joining the Kakao Talk line.
Usually Kakao talk comes with this lame yellow theme
But some of my Korean friend theme is really cute and instead of the yellow stuff, it was really different and bubbly. And i can't seems to change my yellow theme!
So i asked my senior and she kindly teaches me how to do it!
Nao look at my Kakao Talk superb-cute-chrismassy theme
U Mad bro? :D
also my addiction
Yoo Jae Suk, The mighty Grasshopper theme!
And so, to share my knowledge, and also i was bored. I'll teach you guys how to make your Kakao Talk PRETTY and CUTE! <3 (for android!)
Ok so the step-by-step theme changing!
Go to market, and search 'Phone Decor Collection' or in Korean '폰 꾸미기 어플 천국'. Install it!
Yes, to proceed with the installation of the cute Kakao talk, you have to eliminated the one that you have first.
But you can do it later, just don't forget to delete it before you download/install the new one.
Or, i just updated the application, you can go click on 'Delete all downloaded .apk' But i'm not sure if it deletes your installed Kakao Talk.
Go again to the installed Application, browse your Kakao talk theme!
You could go and see the preview first and decide what you really like
This is how it should look like when you open the app.
Scroll down until you found the Kakao talk symbol! click on it
The theme divided into category
1. HD LTE (4G)폰 전용 테마 - For all HD LTE (4G) phone
2. 남자 연예인 테마 - Male Celebrity Theme
3. 여자 연예인 테마 - Female Celebrity Theme
4. 일러스트 케릭터 테마 - Illustration Character Theme
5. 애니메이션 케릭터 테마 - Animation Character Theme
6. 명품 브랜드 스타일 테마 - Style Brand Theme
7. 자동차&바이크테마 - Cars and Motorcycle Theme
8. 스포츠 스타&스타일 테마 - Sport Star and Style Theme
9. 기타 다양한 스타일 테마 - Other and Miscellaneous Theme
10. 커플 전용 테마 - Theme for Couples
inside the Male Celeb category! Choose and see the preview before downloading!
Bigbang theme preview screen. It'll take you to either Daum/Tistory/ any Korean blogging site that have pictures of the preview
After you choose your theme, download it and install!
Re-do the registering. Insert your phone number for verification number!
Nao enjoy your new Kakao talk face!
Things you should note before deleting and re-installing your Kakao Talk :
- Your friend would be the same, you don't have to re-add or anything. But it will ask you to sync with your email. But you should remember, all chat history will be gone.
- You no longer can update your Kakao talk from the Android Market. It only will give you error sign. So what you have to do to upgrade your Kakao Talk, is to re-do all the theme changing step, but you have to change the theme compatible for the updated version. So you have to update the 'Phone Decor Collection' App first, then you'll get the choice of the new updated Kakao talk theme. Delete your old one and install the new one. Kinda uncomfortable though, but consider it's the time for you to try other theme! :)
NOW enjoy your Kakao talk and add Plus Friends! :D
add them and recommend them to the fellow fans!
any question? leave the comment below! Good Luck!