
REVIEW : Etude House's Color Lips-Fit

Hello! I'm back with a review of something that was delayed long enough, it's Etude House's Color Lips Fit! The shade that I have is PK003 Fantasy Pink Fit. This product came with their 2014 SS collection!

etude house

      PRODUCT NAME      
Color Lips Fit

      type of product      
lip cream (liquid lipstick)

PK003 Fantasy Fit Pink

KRW 9.000

      site info     

First off, the packaging was so 'Etude House'-like. So pink, pretty, cute and fantasy kinda packaging. This what I like about EH, they stick to their concept! 

I think the product name is straight up weird. I don't know how EH logic works, I still can't found out how can the correlate the word 'fit' and 'fitting' with matte finishes. Because if you look up EH's product name, anything with 'fit' and 'fitting' has more matte finish. 

So here's the description on the box : 

"This is a revolutionary liquid type Lipstick that moistly glides onto lips with its vivid color and finishes off with a weightless powdery texture"

I must say all that EH stated is true. The lip-cream is watery at first, but it sets into matte-velvety finishes. It felt very light on the lips and the color payoff is good. They did state that is a lip-cream, more than a lip-tint, so it didn't really stained the lips. 

The tear-drop applicator is designed to make gradation lips look easier. It was also suggested to shake the bottle first before applying for more vivid application - but I found no big difference between shaking or no shaking though. 

This product maybe very watery, but once it sets, it felt really drying my lips up. Not sticky, but drying. Also, the long-lasting power is poor, the product transfers everywhere my lips touched. People with lots of line in their lips might be wise to avoid this product because it's really accentuate the lines. Also, it didn't fade out very nice either, it looks flaky and left a lots of chunks left after only an hour or so. 

Anyway, the reason why I got around so long to review this is because I really really hate the shade that I picked. Even though I picked it myself, I completely thrown back with the color payoff because it came out so NEON. Even though in the packaging it looks like a pink-coral shade, it came out straight pink neon to me. And I don't like it :(

Plus, the scent really throw me off. A lot of other bloggers said that is sweet-scented, but for me it smells like rotten fruits? I thought the sample I smelled in the store was just a bad one, but really my brand new one smells like a rotten fruit. Too sweet? maybe! 

Overall, I'll give this product 2 out of 5. But of course, this product is a cheaper alternative for 'pastel neon' tone lip color that is the 'IT' shade for this season (Read my post about Korea's SS 2014 Makeup Trend HERE). You do need a good lip balm before applying this lip color! And I personally think that this shade looks better in people with fair skin tone (fairer than me, I think I look horrible in this shade! It makes my whole face looks darker!)

Have you tried this? What do you think?

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REVIEW : Clio's V21 Volume Brightener in #2

Hello! Finally I got the chance to actually sit down and write this review! :D
Weeks ago I visited "Clio" store that is recently opened up near my uni. They put all the sales item near the counter, and I was so interested in this eye brightener (it was one of the sale item) 

Turned out I once read this eye brightener over at LadyFoxMakeup blog post, she even compares this with Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat which is super popular! Check out her awesome POST HERE

I think LadyFoxMakeup already clearly reviewed and even swatched both of the shades, not to mention she also compares the swatches from YSL too! I always adored YSL Touche Eclat, but I don't have the budget to splurge on such expensive product. So this is definitely a budget-friendly great solution for people with Touche Eclat on their wishlist! 


      PRODUCT NAME      
V21 Volume Brightener 

      type of product      
under eye concealer / brightener

#2 natural beige

KRW 13.000

      site info     
clio official site

This product is a click-pen type with brush on the other side. Nothing special about the packaging, but the label cover up the whole pen so it's impossible to see how much product you have left. I usually use around 2-3 clicks to cover my under eye + use the rest on the side of my nose. 

The coverage is decent! According to LadyFox, the coverage is better than the Touche Eclat. I also think out of all under eye brightener type of product, this product have the best coverage! I say decent because on some days when I have a bad darkening under my eyes, I may need stronger concealer underneath this product.

This product sets dry, so definitely not recommended to people with dry under eyes. I like to bring the concealer down to my cheek, making a triangle with my eyes for a more brightening effect. As my face is relatively oily especially near the T-zone, I have absolutely no problem with its dryness (it's better even for my nose area!)

SWATCHES : before application, applied, blended

This product has easily being my favorite recently because the brightening effect LASTS ALL DAY. Until the end of the day, I can see the product still there! Sometimes it's even hard to tell if an under eye brightener is actually working or not because usually after blended out other products just disappears into the skin. 

But it's different with this product, the brightening effect still works until after 8+ hours of application. I super like it because it's not shimmery or glittery, but it just catches the light and make my eyes look less tired! 

took this picture (with flash) in the end of the day, you can see my under eye + cheek is slightly brightened! <3 

So far, I'm really liking this product. I use this alone when my under eye is not as bad, and it definitely covering well! It also works well on top of other concealer. Though the dry finish could easily makes the product settles into lines under the eye, but I got away with a finishing powder and it sets up fine! 

Thankyou for reading! 
Have a great day everyone xx

Where to find me :
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DIALOG #2 : Kehidupan Sehari-hari

Hola semua!

Gue lumayan kaget karena postingan debut "DIALOG" kemarin banyak yang bilang seru! Akibatnya, semaleman kemaren gue mulai memeras otak buat kembali menuangkan sesuatu dengan humor lagi! Supaya kalian biar tau juga, ini anaknya yang nulis bukan orang yang beli makeup doang kerjaannya huahaha (bohong)

Nah, berhubung kemarin rekuesnya tentang kehidupan gue disini, mari kita bahas tentang jadwal kehidupan saya disini! *sisip kopi*

Universitas gue, Kyungsung University tercinta letaknya di Busan. Dari seluruh Universitas di Korea Selatan, Kyungsung punya jumlah murid Indonesia terbanyak. WOW banget. Intinya manusia kayak gue disini sebenernya engga langka. Dihitung dengan anak baru yang kemarin masuk, kita total-total ada sekitar 130an mahasiswa.

Dengan banyaknya jumlah mahasiswa yang diyakini akan semakin membengkak, sistem organisasi yang tadinya simple jadi sangat-sangat komplex. Maklum, ngatur 130an mahasiswa Indonesia itu engga gampang.

Pertama kita punya MIKy (Iya, miky, bacanya miki, kayak miki-mos), yang adalah singkatan dari Mahasiswa Indonesia di Kyungsung. Nah dibawahnya ada lagi KITA, singkatan dari Kyungsung Indonesian Traditional dance Association.

Nah, sebagai orang Indonesia yang baik, gue aktif di KITA. Gue adalah penari divisi Sumatera Utara dengan spesialisasi tari Batak. Cie. Keren kan. Walaupun gue baru tau Batak itu ada di Sumatera Utara sekitar 4 bulan lalu, gue bisa nari 3 variasi tari Batak! Dan semuanya gue pelajari di Korea Selatan, dengan darah dan tangisan.

Masuk KITA itu ada audisinya, gue inget banget pas lagi audisi itu suasana menegangkan banget dan deg-degan. Emang sih engga akan ada yang ditolak - tapi teteup sebagai anak baru itu udah kayak di pelonco.

(Audisi KITA - 3 tahun lalu)

Senior Tertua (ST) : Kamu ada pengalaman engga, nari-nari gitu?
Gue : A..A..Ada kak! Du-dulu saya nari itu... tamborin, kak!
ST : Hah? Tamborin? Emang tamborin itu tarian?
Gue : Lu-lumayan kak, ada muter-muter sama loncat-loncatnya, kak!

Gue entah kenapa ngotot bilang ada pengalamanan tari tamborin, padahal rasa-rasanya itu engga ada hubungannya sama tari tradisional. Herannya, walaupun kakak-kakaknya kadang galak, gue kuat loh 3 tahun latihan Batak terus!

Karena kita dibagi ke divisi-divisi tarian dari tahun pertama, ada rasa 'nasionalisme' kelompok yang tumbuh. Apalagi ditambah dengan adanya acaranya Knock, Knock, Indonesia - semacam Indonesian Night yang kita adain tahunan, dimana semua divisi tampil buat nunjukin tarian tradisional Indonesia ke masyarakat disini!

Acara KKI itu jadi acara bergengsi tahunan yang bikin ada rasa saingan di antara divisi tarian - kita, sebaagi tim Batak yang bisa dibilang tim 'underdog' latihan super hardcore sampe bisa nari SAMBIL BAWA BERAS DI KEPALA. Yes. Boleh di-cek di playlist youtube dimari buat satu event fullnya, diluar Batak, tari Saman dan Piringnya ok loh!

Coba tebak gue yang mana~

Berasnya emang engga langsung di atas kepala sih. Yakali. Tapi berasnya ditaro di semacam anyaman bambu warna-warni gitu deh. Serius tapi, nyeimbangin itu kantong beras di atas kepala bukan masalah gampang. Ada dimana gue engga lepas dari karung beras itu berjam-jam di kamar sambil main komputer - alhasil adek gue pernah teriak kaget pas dia masuk kamar.

Boleh dilihat kemampuan tari tradisional anak-anak Indonesia ini lebih pesat naiknya dari kemampuan bahasa Koreanya ha-ha-ha. Miris ah. Kemampuan saling konde-kondean juga meningkat pesat, loh!

Pokoknya acara KKI ini udah jalan 2 tahun, dan engga akan jalan kalo Universitas engga bantu. International Affair Office, atau sebutan gaul anak-anak disini : Kantor Lantai. 2 (Berhubung kantornya di lantai dua - orang Indonesia kadang sangat kreatif bikin nickname) yang paling banyak bantu-bantu dalam acara ini.

Kantor Lantai. 2 ini juga bantu mahasiswa-mahasiswa asing yang kuliah di Kyungsung. Mereka suka buat tur-tur gratis dan pemeriksaan kesehatan dll. Dan salah satu hal yang mereka selalu lakukan buat ngebantu kehidupan kita di Korea.

Salah satu program yang paling hot dari Kantor Lantai. 2 adalah "Buddy Program" yaitu program dimana satu orang Korea akan secara random dipasangkan dengan orang asing. Sistemnya simbiosis mutualisme, orang Korea yang menyalonkan diri dapet poin jasa volunteer, Mahasiswa Asingnya bisa belajar bahasa Korea.

Entah sejak kapan, program "Buddy" ini jadi punya nickname gaul : "Biro Jodoh Lantai. 2". Entah juga sejak kapan, acara orientasi program Buddy ini jadi kayak acara "Take Me Out". Apalagi sekarang Lantai 2. menerima rekues. Rekues dari Mahasiswa Asing mau Buddy macam apa.

Dulu, ngisi form rekuesnya = jurusannya sama, bisa bahasa Inggris.
Sekarang = Cowok, lebih tua, pengertian dan sabaran.

Bener-bener kayak isi iklan kontak jodoh di Kompas.

Acara pengumuman Buddy yang tadinya sangat membosankan, jadi acara curi-curi pandang dan memangsa laki-laki. Apalagi kalo emang dapetnya cowok ganteng, yang namanya disorakin itu udah pasti. Sayangnya, tradisi nyorakin kayaknya engga ada di Korea, kadang gue kasian juga ngeliat orang-orang Korea yang salting di atas panggung gara-gara disorakin.

Ketika waktu itu gue tau kantor lantai. 2 menerima rekues Buddy, gue yang waktu itu masih polos - mampir ke kantor lantai. 2 buat evaluasi Buddy gue semester lalu. Jujur, selama setahun pertama gue di Kyungsung, dua orang Buddy gue engga begitu cocok sama gue. Kebetulan dua orang itu dua-duanya perempuan, lebih tua, onni-onni gitu deh!

Mendengar pengalaman temen-temen gue dengan Buddy cowok, mereka jauh lebih seru dan engga awkward. Akhirnya pas evaluasi one-on-one ini, gue memberanikan diri menyatakan rekues gue dengan lebih detil! Berhubung gue juga udah lumayan kenal dengan staff penanggung jawab program ini, gue sekalian aja curhat. Dan tidak lupa memastikan dia untuk men"jodoh"kan gue dengan orang yang, ehem, ganteng.

Staff tersebut juga engga lupa nanya cowok ideal gue modelnya kayak siapa. Gue yang kaget dengan pertanyaan random itu, main asal jawab, "Gue suka cowok tinggi dan ganteng kayak 2PM Nichkhun!"

Pertanyaan dari staff tadi itu menyakinkan banget kalo dia serius mau jodohin gue dengan cowok ganteng! Puji Tuhan, apakah ini waktunya datang buat gue!

Akhirnya tibalah hari perjodohan Buddy gue. Sialnya, Buddy gue malah engga dateng ke acara itu! Tiba-tiba pas acaranya selesai, staff yang gue kenal itu nyamperin gue.

Staff Lantai 2 (SL) : Filia! Sayang banget yah hari ini Buddy-mu engga dateng!
Gue : Eh iya, kok engga dateng sih! Engga seru!
SL : Tenang aja, sesuai rekues, gue engga lupa!
Gue : Bener nih? Bener kan ganteng nih?
SL : Bener!! Mirip sama aktor Korea, kamu tahu Jang Dong-Geun?

Masa sih.
Masa iya mirip Jang Dong-Geun.

Waktu itu gue inget emang dramanya Jang Dong-Geun "Gentlemen's Dignity" lagi terkenal-terkenalnya. Gue sebagai fans drama itu sampe teriak-teriak!

Akhirnya, setelah dapet nomer hp gue, Buddy gue akhirnya Kakaotalk gue. Sayang, profil Katoknya engga ada fotonya. Kita janjian ketemu besok hari di depan asrama. Gue sangat adalah tidak sabar waktu itu.

Tiba pas waktu janjian, gue berdiri di lobi asrama. Akhirnya Buddy gue nelpon gue, untuk memastikan posisi gue.

Buddy Gue (BG) : Halo Filia, sekarang gue udah di depan asrama
Gue : Iya, gue juga udah di depan asrama! Dimana ya?

Pas banget gue ngomong gitu, ada orang yang masuk ke dalam asrama. Berkacamata dan engga terlalu tinggi, kalo dibilang cakep juga engga. Gue liatin tuh orang, dan dia lagi nelepon seseorang!

Karena deskripsi yang gue dapet adalah "mirip Jang Dong-Geun", gue melengos aja.

Gue sambil masih konek sama Buddy gue mulai celengak-celengok, dan firasat gue mulai engga enak soalnya di daerah situ engga ada cowok ganteng sama sekali! Dan pas gue liat ke depan, cowok berkacamata dan pendek itu ada di depan gue.

Cowok Berkacamata & Pendek (DBP) : Lo Filia ya? Bener kan?

Gue, jujur, nyaris bilang bukan.

Ternyata, cowok yang dibilang mirip Jang Dong-Geun itu boro-boro ada miripnya, mirip Kim Jae-Dong adanya!! Temen-temen gue semua ngakak kalo liat gue lagi sama Buddy gue.

Komentar mereka selalu adalah, "JADI INI YANG LO BILANG MIRIP JANG DONGGEUN??? NGAKAK LO!"


Semenjak itu gue udah engga percaya lagi sama Biro Jodoh Lantai. 2.

Jauh. Jauh Banget. 

Semster ini gue memberanikan daftar program Buddy lagi. Karena Bahasa Korea gue yang udah karatan, rasanya sebelum lulus engga ada salahnya buat ikutan program ini lagi. Nanti update lagi ya bentuk Buddy saya kayak gimana!

Where to find me :
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REVIEW : Innisfree's Creamy Tint Lip Mousse #3

i think few days ago someone commented on my blog, asking do I have the Innisfree's Creamy Tint Lip Mousse - I searched for the comment to reply "YES I HAVE IT" but I just can't find it anywhere! Anyway, Hello! This is a review for Innisfree's SS 2014 Collection Creamy Tint Lip Mousse!


      PRODUCT NAME      
크리미 틴트 립 무스
Creamy Tint Lip Mousse

      type of product      
Lip Cream

#3 향긋한 fresh coral

KRW 10.000

      site info     
innisfree official site

Hooray! We're talking about Innifree again! This time I'm going to share you a new collection of lip product from Innisfree that launched for SS 2014 collection. Innisfree has 7 shades available and mot of the colors are bright, vivid colors that really suitable for spring season.

I talked about this product too in the S/S Makeup Trend in Korea post because I really found that a lot of Korean that actually wear this lip cream almost everyday! 

I chose the #3 shade because I'm pretty sure that's their main color and the color looks really gorgeous on the model. And I really considered the rather nude, neutral one, but I think I should pick up something that I don't have already.

There's nothing special about the packaging, also the applicator. It has a very sweet, fruit-like scent, very much like skittles! Among some lip cream products that I tried, this product may have thickest texture out of all. 3CE's Lip Lacquer is definitely more creamier. 

Like most of lip creams, this product is crazy vivid, the pigmentation is so good! A little goes a long way. It has a matte finish, but it didn't dry sticky (Like Clio's Lipnicure - that's very sticky.). It dries into a velvety kinda feel. Also after you let it sets, the color doesn't really transfer so you don't really need to bloat it! 

I think the name is kinda misleading. Because it's rather than 'lip tint' it's more suitable to be called 'lip cream'. But if they're referring to the staining power, then it's still misleading because it didn't leave a noticeable stain from the product after the cream all erased. 

Of course comparing to lip glosses or lip creams with glossy finish, this matte lip cream last a little bit longer than them. But you can't compare this product with other lip tints because it didn't really staining the lips - it starting to disappears 2-3 hours after applying, and still look decent through 4-5 hours. 

BUT if you eat during the time, I found that it will completely removes all the color. So all the hours I typed before is if you're not eating any heavy foods, of course! And you can use this for your cheeks too! I'm not really a blush type of gal, so never tried it!

I honestly really like the texture and all that it actually gives, the one thing that if I could turn back time is to purchase the neutral shade one!! Because this shade looks quite 'normal' inside the room, but once I go to natural lightings, it turns slightly 'neon'y - which i can't barely stand! 

Plus, the warm #3 shade make my teeth slightly look yellowish - and for someone like me that is currently trying so hard to whiten the teeth, it certainly give me a little less confidence for the day. 

Still, I think it look quite pretty in the picture!

Where to find me :
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DIALOG : DIAry di dalam bLOG

Halo Semua! (Sorry guys, this post is 100% Indonesian!)

Untuk menyingkat semuanya, intinya gue mau coba buat sesuatu di blog ini yang lucu - dan sembari ngeshare kehidupan gue di negara kimchi ini. Ide ini udah ada di otak gue dari lama banget, dari SMA kali ada.

Semenjak gue mulai keranjingan baca blognya Raditya Dika, gue mulai merasa "kok ada sih orang sebego ini.." dan "gue juga pengen hidup gue seseru dia!!". Sayangnya hidup gue saat SMA itu statis-statis aja. Engga ada yang berubah dan semuanya datar (Cailah).

Dan sekarang! Gue rasa hidup gue udah mulai lebih berwarna. Hidup di negara asing, yang gue engga tau sama sekali bahasanya, dan dengan orang-orang baru. Dibanding dengan kehidupan datar 3 tahun lalu, hidup gue yang sekarang jauh lebih seru! Akhirnya!

Jadi, ketika beberapa hari yang lalu gue overdosis kopi, mata gue kelap-kelip jam 3 pagi, otak gue melalang buana, tiba-tiba ide super jenius itu muncul! Kenapa engga gue buat posting diary, di dalam blog gue, yang bisa disingkat jadi DIALOG! Sayang sebelum gue beranjak bangun dan mencoba ngetik di komputer, gue keburu berangkat ke dunia mimpi..

Sebelum lupa, mending ini buru-buru gue ketik.

Untuk posting pertama, gue jujur bingung mau nulis apa. Maklum, dari semua subyek pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, menulis itu subyek yang paling gue benci setelah membaca puisi. Gue lebih suka ngomong langsung daripada ketik sms, dan gue juga sebenernya lebih seneng kalo semua ini bisa gue rekam aja dan kirim ke semua yang baca. Ha-ha.

Jadi untuk postingan pertama gue akan bicara sedikit tentang pandangan orang Korea tentang Indonesia. *stretching*

Pertama-tama, gue amat sangatlah kaget dengan betapa banyaknya orang yang pikir Indonesia = India. Jadi kalau dalam Bahasa Korea, Indonesia itu Indonesia, India itu Indo. Percakapan seperti ini sering terjadi :

Tante Korea (TK) : Eh, kamu orang apa sih?
Gue (G) : Saya Orang Indonesia, tante.
TK : Loh, kok kamu engga kayak orang Indonesia sih?
G : Masa iya sih tan? Emang sih gue ada keturunan cinanya..
TK : Lo pasti suka banget deh makan KARE!
G : ............

Kadang gue pikir, apakah perbedaan generasi dan faktor usia membuat tante-tante dan om-om ini bingung yang mana Indonesia dan yang mana India. Kadang gue cuma bisa ketawa ngenes. Kalo lagi baik gue ajarin sih kalo mereka salah.

Tapi ternyata engga gara-gara faktor usia juga.

Sesama Mahasiswa (SM) : Eh, kamu orang Indonesia kan?
Gue (G) : Iya! Gue orang Indonesia!
SM : Lo tau engga, kemaren gue makan makanan Indonesia, enak banget!
G : Oh iya? Makan ap...
SM : KARE! Kare-nya enak banget!
G : .......................................

Dan kejadian kayak gitu sering banget terjadi. Apa karena Indonesia kurang famous ya? (atau karena mereka kurang pengetahuan juga. oops).

Tapi banyak juga kok yang langsung tau tentang Indonesia! Gue sebenernya engga sakit hati atau apa karena dibilang orang India. Menurut gue rada lebay juga kalo ada yang emosi dan perih hatinya karena dikira orang India. Salah kita juga sih, yang suka sok-akrab sama Indonesia sampe manggilnya  nickname doang, Indo.

Sekali lagi dibanding sakit hati, gue jadi punya koleksi cerita lucu buat di-share pas kumpul-kumpul keluarga. Waktu liburan kemaren, gue pulang ke Indonesia. Pas itu om gue tanya-tanya tentang Korea. Dan gue pikir ini adalah kesempatan yang sangat bagus buat gue cerita tentang Indonesia dan India yang gue ceritain barusan!

Gue adalah tipe orang yang sangat berapi-api kalo bercerita, nah cerita tadi itu gue ceritain dengan seseru mungkin di depan semua anggota keluarga gue yang lagi ngumpul itu. Kadang kalo gue udah masuk kedalam peran story-telling ini, gue suka lupa sama sekeliling.

".......Iya, jadi kadang tuh ya, kesel aja deh kalo ada yang bilang kita orang India!" PAS gue bilang gitu, mata gue mulai memandang ke arah kiri dan.......


Disitu ada cici sepupu gue punya suami. Dan suami cici sepupu gue adalah ORANG INDIA.

Yes, Orang dengan Ras India 100%.


Rasanya kalo ada lubang gue pengen masuk aja selamanya. huhu.
btw, karena dia lahir dan besar di Indonesia. Bahasa Indonesianya jauh lebih jago daripada gue.

Sebenernya gue engga cerita dengan nada yang engga enak gitu sih, tapi kan teteup aja gue merasa engga enak. Siapa tau orangnya sensitif dan merasa gue merendahkan ras dia. Gimana kalo dia tertawa tapi dalam hatinya dia udah tusuk-tusuk gue. Gimana kalo dia jadi menyesal menikah dengan sepupu gue. Otak gue langsung mikir 1000 gimana-gimana lainnya.

Sekarang kalo ketemu sepupu + suami sepupu gue itu, gue bersumpah dengan diri gue sendiri untuk tidak pernah menyinggung apapun yang berbau India. Huruf I pun engga akan pernah gue singgung. Dia ngomong I pun gue kabur.

Intinya, Imlek tahun depan angpao gue bisa jadi berkurang satu. Untuk selamanya.

Trus, ada satu pertanyaan yang biasa diutarakan sama orang Korea, yang kayaknya sampai akhirat juga gue engga akan tau apa jawabannya.

Ini dia pertanyaannya :

"Di Korea kan ada tuh Kimchi, kalo di Indonesia ada engga makanan yang seperti Kimchi??"

Nah loh. Gue berpikir dengan sangat keras. APA YA MAKANAN INDONESIA YANG KAYAK KIMCHI. Paling deket yang gue bisa pikir adalah kimchi-nya hypermart. Tapi kan itu juga buatan Korea!

"............hem...... kayaknya engga ada deh...." jawab gue.

"..loh masa iya engga ada? Ituloh makanan yang pasti keluar kalo kalian makan apapun!"

"...............................hem........engga ada deh......." jawab gue, setelah berpikir sangat, sangat keras.


"KOK MAKSA SIH! YANG ORANG INDONESIA GUE APA LO!" jerit gue dalam hati. Kalo gue tau bahasa Koreanya pasti gue udah jerit di depan orangnya. Sayang skill bahasa Korea gue jongkok.

Sumpah deh, gue udah berpikir keras. Sambel? Tergantung makanannya, sambelnya beda. Lalapan? Dimakan tiap hari gempor juga ke pasarnya. Bawang Goreng? Kayaknya banyakan yang engga doyan dari yang doyan. Kerupuk? Gue yakin gue baru mencoba sekitar 5% dari semua jenis kerupuk yang eksis di Indonesia.

Lalu itu membuat gue berpikir, betapa Indonesia itu luas dan beraneka ragam! Elo engga bisa mendefinisikan Indonesia sebagai satu jenis kultur doang! Coba deh makanan Indonesia apa yang bisa lo simpen lebih dari setahun, yang bisa dimakan sama apa aja?? (Kalo lo mikir indomi, gue juga lagi mikir indomi, dan sekarang lo pasti jadi pengen makan indomi, kurang ajar kamu indomi!!!)

Yang pasti, namanya juga hidup di negara orang. Beda budaya, beda pikiran. Kadang gue suka berpikir, "kok gitu?", dan pastinya orang Korea ngeliat gue bisa berpikir "kok gitu?" atau "cantik amat!" - yah sami-sami mawon lah.

Gimana menurut kalian semua? Apakah postingan ini lucu? Apa membosankan? Jujur gue lagi rada sumpek banget buat nulis review atau apa pun itu. Rasanya lagi pengen olahraga-in mulut. Berhubung engga ada yang bisa jadi partner olahraga bibir ini (baca : partner bergosip) gue curcol aja disini. Tapi yang pasti corner "DIALOG" ini engga akan hilang!

I'll be back! SCPTNY!

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REVIEW : Holika-Holika "Aqua Petit Jelly B.B"

Hello! Today I'm going to review a popular BB from Holika-Holika! I'm pretty sure y'all know what is this... (or probably because of the title! I know about this B.B from a looooooooooong time ago from one of Michelle Phan's video I think?

holika holika

      PRODUCT NAME      
Aqua Petit Jelly B.B

      type of product      
B.B Gel

#2 aqua natural

KRW 13.500

      site info     
holika-holika official site
elevenia online shopping site

I think this is "Aqua Petit Jelly" new packaging (correct me if i'm wrong). The B.B comes with a makeup sponge inside. The packaging did some statements in English, but I'll just summarize it in my own words. 

"This B.B jelly texture that make makeup spread evenly, fully hydrated and shiny and flawless skin. Contain mint water to help skin hydration and marine jelly complex for soft and bouncy skin."

Also it contain SPF 20 PA++ and available in 2 shades only (typical..) and for a note here it contains paraben. As expected for an older B.B product (I didn't mean that this product is old, but it's been a while since this product is around.) 

Honestly I was kinda excited seeing that this B.B come with a sponge. But it was a quite disappointment as it doesn't really spread the B.B evenly and it's just worst makeup sponge I've ever used before.

Another problem that I found most people will kinda hate is the fact that this B.B came in a jar with a spatula. Some people will totally found this packaging not hygienic because you have to put the spatula back to the rest of the product. 

Despite stating that it'll make your skin 'shiny', I found out that this B.B has a semi-matte finish. Tried to apply this B.B without a primer on half of my face, and with a primer on the rest - at the end of the day both side of my face didn't have much difference! That is quite a shocker, because a BB cream that even has 'matte' label on it, isn't matte at all. 

This B.B felt really light on the skin, buildable coverage, has a very fresh scent and not at all sticky! This B.B might be everything that I look in a B.B cream!! There's only 1 REASON why this B.B is not on my HG list - the shade is too light for meeeeeee TT_TT 이럴수가.............

The coverage is actually much better than what I expected from a B.B with a gel texture. It could covers my blemishes but I still need concealer for my under eye.

I read somewhere that this B.B in #2 is suitable for MAC NC 25-30. That's is my shade! And when I swatched these, it matches the color of my hand! Really really sadly, when I put it on my face, the B.B made my face so pale that it definitely didn't match my neck. As much as I love Korean style makeup, that's the only thing I would never do to my face (using foundation lighter than my natural skin tone).


I know that B.B could oxidize to match one's skin tone more, but it didn't happen for me - after a good minute passes, the color is still too light for me :( 

So here's what I do to make my purchase didn't go to a waste :
  1. Apply the B.B only in the middle area of your face! Plus, bring in down to your neck f
  2. Don't use a foundation brush to apply the product because it will make the product more concentrated - thus make the face look more white
  3. Use bronzer to sculpt your face! The area that applied with the B.B will look as it was highlighted. Apply blush too if necessary!
  4. Mix it with another B.B with darker shade! Or, apply the darker B.B on the outside frame of your face.
I still feel the B.B make me so white :( and pink :(

I believe that this B.B is made so that you'll get over your makeup process faster, without hustle. But since the shade is too light for me, it seems like I tend to be extra careful with this B.B and ended up skipping this product when I need to get ready quickly :(

Sometimes I also felt not comfortable and lost my self-confidence when I felt like I over-layered this B.B. I think light foundation is one of my pet-peeves. or fear. lol

As much as I adore the formulation of this Aqua Petit Jelly B.B - I really hope that it'll come up with more shades!!! :(

Have you ever tried this B.B? Comment down below! 

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Korean S/S 2014 Makeup Trends

Hello! As much as how fashion styles changes from season to season, makeup trends are also changing - thank God Korea has 4 seasons, meaning that the makeup style will always be dynamic and new! Not only fulfilling the needs of each seasons - make up looks also express images of each season!

I know a lot of my blog readers LOVE Korean makeup looks! You maybe see a lot of dramas, k-pop groups and even some editorial pictures.

But can you really say that the makeup looks those 'idols' wore is the real trend in Korea? I mean most of them I'm sure are dressed to match their respective group concept and song. When SNSD's "I Got A Boy" came, sure it was a big hit, but do I ever saw anyone sticks a star stickers under their eye? (probably not.) That also goes with editorial pictures and magazines - sure they're a pleasant to read!

(I didn't say that you shouldn't do idols makeup or anything, they're fun!! See that GIF? It's Yoona rockin' SS makeup trend.)

So today what I'm going to share with you is makeup trends that I saw here in Korea and also based on the new products from major Korean cosmetics company. Let's Start!


This trend might be something that is around for years ago - when BB creams are 'grayish'. This time, let's minus the 'gray' effect!

Spring is the season where the sun shines, the flower blooms, and easy-brezzy super light makeup looks are most popular these days. Less blush and no heavy contouring - the skin looks as it is 'naked'. That's why the 'super light skin' seems to be the one of the 'focus' in this SS season.

"They're so white and fair! I want that kinda skin, I'm so jealous of them!!" might be the words that came right after you watch Korean Girl Group's MVs. Sure most of East Asian people are blessed with this complexion, most doesn't mean all. It's not rare to see someone with super obvious face and neck color difference. That's because all the people want to catch up with the white and fair skin trend. Since the focus of the trend is 'clean' look, the fair tone skin become the star of the look.

Naturally, the color of the face and neck is different! Usually one's face skin tone is more pale / sometimes more red than the neck - So wearing a foundation 1/2 shades lighter than your natural skin tone can still look super natural! Most korean products will automatically do this to your face - but if you're really afraid of face-neck-color-mismatch, apply the lighter foundation / bb cream only in centre area of your face.

This trend has a strong relation to the next trend I'll share to you!

Look at Sulli's super light skin - it's a pictorial for Etude House's Skin Fit foundation that only comes in 2 shades that is pretty light (review coming soon!) 

2. SUPER SHINY (bright) LIPS

For this trend, we have to thank Jun Ji-Hyun's role in "You Who Came From The Stars". As the drama hits the no.1 spot for the Wed/Thurs drama slot, Jun Ji-Hyun popularity as an actress rose again. Everyone is copying her! Mostly because her makeup in the drama is super natural and only have 1 point. The super shiny lips!!  (+vivid colors) 

Copying this looks is really easy. Flawless face + simple eyeliner (only in the waterline, plus a little bit of mascara if favorable) + Shiny bright lips! This trend is really easy to be followed, just apply a coat of clear gloss over your lipstick, and you're done! Go get your alien! 


(what, shiny lips and the matte lips?? are you kidding me?? No seriously, this is totally a personal preference! but this 2 is really the trend I see in a lot of Korean!)

Next, it's a trend that I think screams spring the loudest - the matte pastel lips! Pastel, is a tone that really hits in the spring. It's sweet, cute and very girly. And matte give softer finish and last longer. Since the school started in the spring, of course most of the girls prefer a more low maintenance lip products for their every day wear.

This is where the super fair skin came to do it's role. Pastel color on lips looks better on fair skin. That's the reason a lot of Korean strive to attain white-r skin. For medium toned to dark toned skin, I would totally recommend to rock on the brighter lips! I also felt that the pastel look don't really look good on me :( 

There's a lot of new matte lip products from brands, for example : Etude House "Lips Fit" tint (review coming soon!), SkinFood Vita Color Lip Lacquer (Lip Mousse), Innisfree Creamy Tint Lip Mousse, and Espoir "No Wear" Lipstick. There's also Lip Lacquers from 3CE that have been around for sometime! 

To summarize all these SS trends : Light face and super shiny / matte bright lips. I hope you enjoyed reading this and make sure to comment down below! Tell me what trend do you want to try for this SS season??

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